Prayers needed

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UPDATE  Went to the Dr. today. The cat scan showed the cancers have grown since the last one before surgery but not by much. She said we won't have another cat scan till after the 4th treatment. The replacement chemo has been approved by the insurance co and will be given with the others starting next Wednesday.  So she'll have a treatment every other week. It takes about a week after treatment before she starts feeling better. They did find a nausea medicine that works much better for her, but she has to take it every 4hrs.

Thank you so much for all the prayers, Charlie 
We continue to keep your family in our prayers.  Stay strong, research has come a long way.

UPDATE  Second round of chemo went much better. By the time she was ready to get round two she felt really good. The replacement chemo is more expensive but doesn't make her as sick. We were able to make Christmas dinner at my sons house, and were able to stay about 5 hours before she was ready to go home. Chemo day is Wednesday and she feels pretty good on Thurs, but Fri and Sat are her worst days, she feels pretty good today. She only had to take the nausea medicine thru Sat afternoon this time. She has went back to work, Dr. approved 4 to 5 hour days for her. Keeping her occupied is a good thing I believe.

THANK YOU for all the prayers, we do BELIEVE they are helping me and her.

X2.  It's always good when you can get through chemo with few side effects.

Thanks for all the Prayers.

She has had the 3rd treatment and is doing better quicker each time. Finally getting some strength back from the surgery. She did have a reaction to the new chemo, face was drying out then she started breaking out. The Dr. gave her some meds for that. Winter finally came and she's having a terrible time  with touching things cold, can't drink cold water ect. She said it feels like frost bite when she forgets the gloves. Can't even put her hands in cold water, but that only lasts for about a week after treatment. I think after one more treatment we'll find out if the chemo is working. She says if it isn't working the lord don't want it to and she'll quite taking the chemo. Not what I wanted to hear, but I'll respect her decision.

Thanks again Charlie
I went through this exact same thing with my mother. The sensitivity to the cold is a tough side effect. Just battle through it. The treatments should get a bit easier each time. I know it is a tough thing to watch but stay strong for her... She needs you.
Praying for peace and healing for you, your wife, and the entire affected family.  Life here on earth certainly does have its speed bumps and blind curves sometimes (not to go too far into the driving metaphors ;)) but you will make it through this!  It's okay to feel down sometimes too, so don't beat yourself up for that either.  ;)
My wife was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer. Her treatment has been very successful. No cakewalk but she is doing fine. Prayers that your wife will also.
My dear ex sister in law w/Stage III cancer now cancer free thanks to the work of Ty Bollinger.  It's changed the way I view cancer.

Sorry, I just saw this.  Many late prayers.

FWIW.  After 40+ years of chronic ulcerative colitis, I had a total bowel / rectum removal 4 years ago.  This was in small part to proactively eliminate possibility of colon cancer and in large part to fix the 10+ BM's a day and IBS.  After 4 years, I still thank God daily.  I do have a "bag", but it is a true blessing.  I now go on MY schedule 3 times a day (empty bag) with no "accidents".  If this is suggested, do not fear!!  It eliminates many problems.  I find it very easy to "care for".  It is discreet.  Odors are not really an issue with filtered bags.  I wish I had done it 5 years sooner!

If you have questions, please feel free to PM.  It sounds like a much bigger deal than it is.
I do wish for the best outcome.  Some day, I know cancer will be a thing of the past and I hope that day comes soon.

Regarding "the truth about cancer" link previously, I clicked on it and I went to a website that wanted me to enter my name and email to get FREE, the truth about cancer. 

If it is REALLY free, why isn't the TRUTH displayed to everyone who clicks on the link?

So, Tell me the TRUTH.  Why is my name and email needed? 

Gotta be the same CRAP gimmick as coffee enemas and Laetrile in Mexico.

I don't buy it for 1 minute.

By the way, I'm a 14 year cancer survivor!

92GA: All the best to you and your wife. 

    Congratulations on being a cancer survivor.:)

    Perhaps a clarification is necessary to my original post. My intent was to offer support to GA92 and to whomever else might be impacted by cancer,  possibly enlighten others, and potentially save a life,  nothing more or less.  My intent is not and was not to engage in a dialogue or debate about cancer treatment options.  This simply isn't the appropriate thread or forum, imho.

    In my particular case, I needed information on the subject of cancer and posted a (general) link that I found helpful.
The person that I was referred to,Ty Bollinger, documents his investigative journey to discover why so many of his family members were diagnosed and ultimately passed away due to cancer, and what if anything could have possibly saved them.  Ty interviewed (and video taped), many health care professionals across the globe, many that are M.D.'s and oncologists who have moved away from the medical model and are professing more effective treatment options.

I personally found the information a means to gain valuable information via links to numerous interview videos, conferences, etc., and a network that I would not have otherwise have even known about.  The information was extensive, highly thought provoking and stimulating, intellectually challenging, haven taken me several weeks to view and process. 
I am so glad that I did!!!  However, if you are uncomfortable in providing your contact info., that is your decision to make.  For those interested, I am almost certain that his work can be accessed though different keyword searches online or YouTube without entering a name or email.

I think that folks have a right to ALL information, the right to determine what they deem valid and reliable, and the right to choose what is best for their personal situation.

Charlie -- I'm in mid battle myself with stage 4 metastatic melanoma, spread into my lungs, but I'm hanging on for two years now... which means your bride and I, and anyone like us who keeps enjoying life all belong to the heroic group called Survivors.  We may or may not ever be cured, but we're living and enjoying anything we do. 

We all just sort of pray for each other.
Hang in there. God is so good, even and especially in the worst of times, it can be the sweetest of time spent with Him while he cares for you and your wife.  Try and stay close to Him!

Much love and prayers sent to you,

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