Prebooking RV parks

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New member
Jun 26, 2005
Worcesterhire, England
We're coming to Florida next Easter and after a week at Disney we're renting an RV. Is it essential to prebook our parks as it's a holiday period, or can we take a chance and phone ahead just a day or two in advance? I've read lots of info on the site and it's been very helpful, thanks.
Peter (Worcestershire, England)

Personally I wouldn't bother to make reservations at that time of year. But maybe Floridians will jump in with local knowledge of how full the parks are likely to be. You may also get some suggestions of places to visit and parks to stay at.

Please remind us of when Easter occurs next year.  In which direction in Florida do you plan to travel, for what period of time will you travel with the RV  and what kind/size of motorhome will you be renting?

This information will help us provide you further insights.

Several Forum members are winter residents in various parts of Florida.

Easter will be celebrated April 16, 2006.
Demand for RV sites drops off  at that time of year, as most snowbirds begin returning North in late March,  followed by a major exodus on April 1.  Those who are not obligated to leave April 1, will depart between April 1 and April 15, so with Easter on April 16, there will be added pressure for people to be home for Easter.

Will be interested in learning more about Peter's RV rental and his planned itinerary...but I don't believe there is a need for advance booking.
We'll be "RVing" from April 12 to 19th, 7 days altogether straddling the Easter weekend. Over here it would be a really popular time to be going on holiday/vacation, but we would like to travel without booking if we could to allow more flexibility. We're a family of 5 (children age 7,9 and 11) and we'll be picking up a 31' C class from Camp USA in Kissimmee and will be heading south westwards to the Everglades and to enjoy the beaches (we'll need a rest after Disney). Very grateful for the replies, and I'll keep checking the site.

In my opinion, you should have little or no difficulty finding accommodation at that time of the season with your rented RV.?
You can do some advance research by using the Woodall's Online Campground Directory or the Trailer Life Online Campground Directory.

You may want to order a copy of either Woodall's or Trailer Life Directory for the most reliable information on RV parks, amenities offered and prices.

Though I prefer the Woodall's online site, I like the Trailer Life hard-copy directory better.

What will you be using for communication and/or navigation?? Will you be traveling with a laptop or any GPS equipment, cellphone??

Steve has given you some good recommendations.  We seldom prebook RV parks the only exceptions would be when we are attending a rally or when we go to TC Mich for a month to look after Sam's mother.  We normally get off the road between 15:00 and 16:00 so around that time I start looking for a park in what ever area we are in.  Never have a problem finding a spot.
Hi Peter
our trip started january right in the holiday season and being our first trip anywhere,we found a lot of sites full and had to stay in their overflow sites.As said by easter all the snowbirds are heading back north and since then we have just turned up at sites with no problems.We stayed in a few sites in Florida although we only went as far south as Fort Meyers beach,very nice site very new and clean and a free trolley to the beautiful white sand beach.I have the Camp Florida mag which has most choice campsites listed, on return to the UK i can post to you if you like.
If you want one of the parks close to Disney, especially Disney's Fort Wilderness, I would reserve it. Disney is a popular family destination during the Easter holidays.  Other than that, you should have no problem.

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