PatrioticStabilist said:
My motorhome is old a 1992. It has an oddball connector that very few propane people have seen, so it causes me problems getting it filled.
You turn off the supply valve, then open the valve at the top then when you hook up the connection to the propane and push up a red button under the valve. This allows it to vent and I guess expels air so it can take propane. Wonder if I could have the valve changed or do I just live with it.
I often hear this "Expells air so it can take on propane" thing
That is the visual overfill indicator valve, Often called the spitter valve cause it "Spits" liquid propane which forms a dense white cloud when the tank is full.. There is no air in your tank and has not been any air in it since the first purge and fill however many years ago you bought it.
But (You did not say this) I have heard "You have to let the air out because you can't compress air so if you don't let the air out no propane can get in".. Uh,, How come I have an AIR COMPRESSOR in my basement if you can not compress air.. I mean that's elementary school physics.. But you did not post that one at least.
On most motor home tanks it is a triangular thing,, THink three letter C's around a shaft,
On portable tanks it is a screw.
Grew up with 100 pound cylinders, Used to have to refill one on occasion at the local propane store. We used scales back then. Remember that.
Good article..
Oh, and for the person who mentioned something like "He seems to advocate running firdge on road".
I did not see that, I saw him address the issue for those who do, but I did not see him recommend doing it.. Just acknowledging many (myself included) do.