Proud new owner of a vintage fixer-upper!

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Jun 24, 2013
HI all!  We just purchased our first "fixer-upper" last month.  It's a 1973 Holiday Rambler Traveler.  It's 17" or so and is going to be "glamper-ized".  :)  We jumped right in and started gutting it after finding several soft spots.  We have little to NO experience in renovating campers, but we have lots of enthusiasm.  We pulled down the ceilings and walls which were all showing signs of previous water damage.  Our first job after the demolition is to seal the roof and replace the vents.  Any advice will be helpful.  If you own a Holiday Rambler and have experience sealing the metal roof, we'd LOVE to hear from you!  Thanks and see you on the forums! Susan :D
Susan, be REAL careful about mold.  I'll be glad to be a spectator on your project.  Please do keep us up to date with pictures.
I hope you got before pix :D Please share! 

What a fun project!

We did get lots of fun before pics.  We pulled out all the wood paneling because of the rot and wetness.  Hopefully that will take care of any mold issues that would have been present.   


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Wow! So that is what they look like all stripped out. Eager to see what you do next.

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