quartzsite in november?

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Quieter than in Jan. and Feb.  Weather should be fine and lots of room :)
slumbert55 said:
can any one tell me what it is like there in nov. dec. i have heard what it is like in jan. feb. but am curious about earlier in the year am heading that way at the end of oct. any input would help.

Quartzsite in November/December is great -- but then I love the desert and that atmosphere, so keep that in mind. The nice thing about the time frames you mention, and it is the same after the big show/s, the weather is usually ideal plus many vendors arrive early and stay late. This way you do not have to deal with the heavy traffic problem that are part of the show months.

Year before last I drove down in Mid-September and that turned out to be too early. October is now my cut off because it can get just too hot to stay out on the desert -- or, it you stay in a park, the cost of electric runs around $0.20 per kwh. My last several early trips I have stayed in one of the 2 week freebie areas (the one adjacent to the 10 just East of QZ) or at the Tyson Wells RV Park on Kuehn Street, just West of the 95. I liked that park as I could walk to all the early arrival vendors along Kuehn -- plus watch the progress of the Big Show areas. And I loved walking or biking to the produce market on the 95 early each AM.

Another activity for me was my afternoon bike rides to to QZ mountain. There are several paths to the top and it was a challenge for me to try them each day. I have questionable hips, so that really made my day if I got over half way up. Have attached a pic I took to prove to someone I had actually gotten that far. Anyway, you can see there is a nice view of the central QZ area from this little mountain, and a nice spot to sit and ponder. Of course, if you have an iPod along -- it can add even more to a nice early desert evening. ?:)

The Non World Famous restaurants of QZ are open in that time frame -- "and", the QZ Bakery is also open. That means you can enjoy their Apple Fritters, or dinner on a paper plate at Sweet Darlene's, Mexican just off the 95 on Main Street, or Italian West of the 95. Don't do Chinese. It's the worst I have ever experienced. There a 3 grocery stores for odds and ends, one with the best butcher shop in that part of AZ. You would have to visit Parker or just over the State line East on the 10 to find an Albertsons or Safeway. There is an off brand Bank now in QZ and an excellent year round hardware store. The Post Office on Main is an easy place to pick up General Delivery mail (the lines are not long in Nov/Dec) and there is a Mail Boxes USA kinda place only about a block away, also on the main street.

Are you planning to be in QZ in January as well? If so, I hope you are planning to attend the QZ rally in January.


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Bob Buchanan said:
Have attached a pic I took to prove to someone I had actually gotten that far. Anyway, you can see there is a nice view of the central QZ area from this little mountain, and a nice spot to sit and ponder.
it is a nice view can you tell me witch way you are faced and what we are seeing
If you stay at one of the parks in QZ you will have full hookups but if you stay out on the desert there are no hookups.  In the fee areas you will have access to water and dump and the cost last year was $30 for 2 weeks.  You have to register at one of the ranger stations in the area where you will be staying.
>>? it is a nice view can you tell me witch way you are faced and what we are seeing
The first road you see in the view is running West to East and is parallel to the 10 freeway. So I am looking just about due North, and the camera view is North East. The area in the foreground is one of the QZ RV/Mobile Home "lots for sale" parks. They expand quite a bit each year of my visits.? If I descend the mountain in the direction of my sight, jump on my bike, I can ride straight north about a mile and run into Kuehn Street. Then I'm probably about a mile or so from the 95/Kuehn Street intersection South of the 10 freeway.

If you hadn't heard, property values in QZ have sky rocketed in the past few years. One of the park owners that uses my SW in Salome, AZ, North East of QZ on 60 beyond Brenda, AZ told me that the value of land in that area has almost doubled -- and developers have bought everything that is currently offered. An RV dealer friend of mine in Sacramento now also sells in QZ. He found and bought a lot on Main Street, QZ -- and the value of the land doubled in one year. That may not apply to RV lot sales though as opposed to commercial property.

Here are a few pics from my "What QZ looks like in November" folder:

o Location of the Big Show tent looking West "toward" QZ mountain, opposite my line of sight "from" the mountain.

o Location of the Main Event -- North of the 10, West end of the Main street looking East. Note McDonald's in background.

o The RV Forum rally site -- in November. The only vehicle in sight is my Jeep. The pic looks East, slightly North.


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Bob Buchanan said:
Don't do Chinese. It's the worst I have ever experienced.


In the 8 years we've been at QZ, we never were in the Chinese restaurant in QZ. Of course it is the best Chinese restaurant in QZ, so we finally decided to go last year. We were pleasantly surprised by the food, it was pretty good, but the service was just about non-existant.
If you are not into the "carnival" atmosphere of the QZ activities, then the fall is very quiet. Amazing transformation in the Winter:) If you are not familiar with the area, you might want to consider Lake Havesu, Parker, etc. Not a lot going on in QZ in the fall. It can get hot in the fall...sometimes over 100. FYI
BernieD said:

In the 8 years we've been at QZ, we never were in the Chinese restaurant in QZ. Of course it is the best Chinese restaurant in QZ, so we finally decided to go last year. We were pleasantly surprised by the food, it was pretty good, but the service was just about non-existant.

Really??? That's great to read, Bernie. I arrived in early January on my first trek to QZ. Lou and Jayne were the only ones around. Lou was off to the the Bluegrass Festival in Blythe one day and Jayne had been fairly ill with a virus. However, she graciously invited me on a tour of QZ. One thing that stood out was her praise of the butcher in that Grocery store across from the QZ Bakery, and the caution, "never" eat at the Chinese Restaurant. The following year, I decided to check it out for myself -- and got a take out of Cashew Chicken. Bernie, it was so bad, I drove all the way back from my dry site on the North end of town to complain, and haven't been back.

I "did" hear that it had been sold about a year ago. Did you know that the former owner is the same guy that owns that grocery store about a mile West of Main and the 95 on Main (the one you wade through the dust and dirt to find stuff)? So perhaps it's better now. And now that you mention it, the restaurant name is, "Best Chinese Food", or something like that. So I guess it is the Best, regardless. Of course, if it's the only one, it would be the best even if also the worst. ????
Yikes, now I want to eat there and see for myself. ::) Was it clean? How can Chinese food be that bad??? Curious. Seems one has to really go out of their way to make bad Chinese food?
Bob Buchanan said:
The following year, I decided to check it out for myself -- and got a take out of Cashew Chicken. Bernie, it was so bad, I drove all the way back from my dry site on the North end of town to complain, and haven't been back.

Maybe the cats they used were old or not prepared properly. ;D ;D ;D
I've eaten some native Chinese food, but have never know about cat. Athough many of the other non-traditional American ingredients  were sea slugs . I shy away from the dogs and rice though ::)
Listen to Ron, he's an expert on cats and Chinese restaurants! ;D ;D

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