Quick, cheap chicken meals

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Jan 13, 2005
If you like chicken, you can't beat a Costco rotisserie pre-cooked chicken for $4.99. Chris buys one every time she goes to Costco and a single chicken makes two meals for two of us (I don't eat small portions). Chris rings the changes with the way the chicken is served and its accompaniments. Some options are:

  • UK-style chicken with fries & maybe peas. (We try to avoid fries, but once in a while is OK).
  • Chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies and gravy.
  • Chicken curry with rice.

Any other variations that folks serve?

We do the same thing--love the flavor of their chicken.

Rich and I usually eat about half the first meal, then use the remainder chopped up in a salad or with noodles and sauce.

Love it because it makes at least two easy meals, and you can't beat the price!

Thanks Kay. I'd forgotten that Chris sometimes makes chicken salad also. The price is certainly right.
I almost live on Safeway's rotisserie chicken.  I've found them to be the largest, plumpest, most moist ones in any of the chains here in the Phoenix valley.  I like the cold leftovers dipped in mayonnaise, like chicken salad.  Also, if I'm making a crockpot chicken stew or something, I'll toss in any leftover rotisserie. 

But the topic is "cheap chicken meals."  Anybody have any crockpot chicken reicpes that do not include tomatoes?  Any crockpot flavor pouches on the market?  I saw one McCormick's, but it was an Italian flavored dish that required canned tomatoes or sauce or something.

Hi Pat,  Easiest thing we do is to just pour a can of cream of mushroom soup over chicken or beef in the crockpot.  Usually add some pepper, maybe a little garlic powder.  Can even throw a few cut up vegetables in if you want.  Gives a nice flavor and makes a nice sauce to go over rice or potatoes. Quick, cheap, easy--enjoy!  Kay

P.S.  Stoufer's has Skillet Sensations--they are packages of frozen herbed chicken, roasted potatoes & vegetable in a creamy herb sauce that are quick and easy cost around $5 a package.  They have other varieties too.  I have only tried one, but will probably try more.
In a grocery store the other day I saw large bags in the freezer section labeled crockpot meals. 

I like the soup and chicken gravy for potatoes.  I like to throw a potato or two in the microwave for baking and have with some kind of gravy.

Pat said:
In a grocery store the other day I saw large bags in the freezer section labeled crockpot meals.? --pat

Hi Pat,
What brand was that frozen crock pot meal? And Which market? 
Betty Brewer said:
Hi Pat,
What brand was that frozen crock pot meal? And Which market??

Just seen a commercial on TV for  Banquet Crock Pot Meals.  Available at your local grocery. ;D ;D  Fry's ??? ??? ??? ???
Fry's is a grocery chain, completely separate from Fry's Electronics.
Tom said:
Fry's is a grocery chain, completely separate from Fry's Electronics.

Unfortuneatley we do not have a Fry's Electronics store here in Yuma but there is a Fry's grocery store on Fortuna Rd.
But you're about as close to a Fry's Electronics store as we are Ron.
Tom said:
But you're about as close to a Fry's Electronics store as we are Ron.


At www.Frys.com there is a list of all the Fry's stores. I was surprised to find out that they have 16 stores in CA. 8 stores in TX. 2 stores in AZ. and one store each in GA., IL., IN., NV., OR and WA.

I'm not surprised Don. Their first store was in Sunnyvale, CA and, in just a few years, they had several stores in the Santa Clara Valley, including Sunnyvale, Campbell and Fremont. It used to be nice to have a choice of several stores all within 30 minutes drive of the office. Now I have to schedule a trip to the nearest one in Sacramento. They kept adding stores, each one bigger than the last one. They even went back and rebuilt a much bigger version of the old Sunnyvale store.

What I am surprised at is that they haven't expanded much more across the country than they already have.

I tend to be in Safeway, so that's probably where I saw the crockpot meal-in-a-bag.  Banquet sounds about right. 

I checked out the crockpot meal-in-a-bag items and rejected them due to high salt content.
Chris was at Costco today, so this evening we had another variation on the theme .....

Chicken Alfredo:

  • Put chicken stock in a pan and bring to the boil.
  • Add fettuccini (soft) and heat for 3 mins.
  • Add chicken pieces and heat.
  • Drain off the remaining chicken stock.
  • Add creamy Alfredo sauce, stir and heat.
  • Serve with garlic bread (we skipped the bread).

Add frozen peas to the above for another variation.
Hi all,
Tried the two step method. Took some frozen chicken tenders and a can of cream of mushroom soup.  Crocked pot all day.  Served with rice and was wonderful.  Easy  fast and tasty !


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