Quick question about batteries question during storage

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2013
Southwest FL
We are putting our RV in storage, but not sure for how long. I have a portable 100 watt solar panel with a PWM controller which I?ll hook up to the batteries. Should I disconnect the chassis and house batteries with the battery disconnect switches? Any cons to doing this?
The only 'con' would be if the solar panel wasn't producing enough power to keep the house batteries fully charged.  In that case the engine battery would actually be 'stealing' some of the power the panels were producing.  Starting with fully charged batteries, I would think 100 watts would be more than enough to keep both systems fully charged.
Depending on how everything is wired, a disconnect COULD prevent charging from the solar panel.  Check that, otherwise, the disconnect makes complete sense!
Depending on how everything is wired, a disconnect COULD prevent charging from the solar panel.  Check that, otherwise, the disconnect makes complete sense!
Even if the I?m wiring directly to the batteries? (Showing how little I know)
It will charge fine including both batteries. That is a peak of about eight Amps and even a few hours at 2-5 A should be sufficient. I'd try it for a  week or two to make sure is properly controlled.



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