Rant. :)

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Rene T said:
I can't believe they're selling them for $20.00. I made mine for pennies. Just take a piece of solid 12 gauge wire about 3" long. Strip off the plastic on both ends about 1/2". Bend then wire in the middle in the shape of a "U". Insert the wire in two of the holes of the trailer plug. It's the one's on either side of the key.

Even better, get a standard two terminal turn signal flasher and insert it's contacts into those same two pins.

Your marker lights will flash on and off just like your rig was on display at an RV show.
I like Rene made one of these with a piece of wire.  Then later did use an automotive fuse.  Yes the blades will span and work. This give the added protection of a fuse.  $20 a pop is more than I would pay. BUT if I was not a handyman and wanted one, Its reasonable given the fact it likely uses an RV plug with a fuse.  HEY, I would not develop a product, invest in manufacturing and stock them with out a decent return on investment!

As to WHY?...  We used this as a form of lower level lighting on some nights in lieu of using a larger more polluting light outside.  These lights give plenty of light to walk around outside safely, still enjoy a campfire etc, but not blind anyone.  Our RV was set up on a permanent site with only a few neighbors.
Some forums that I belong to allow those that wish to contribute to the operating costs of the forum.  I would be happy to put my money where my mouth is.  I suspect that others would be too.  Would you be willing to offer us that option?

Perhaps you haven't noticed the DONATE button on the menu bar above the messages? We have always encouraged members to help support the site, but donations rarely meet the total needs.
Or do the buyers of these products not even realize that there ARE stars?  Are the buyers of this product the same ones that order outside speakers on their units so that they can entertain the rest of the area with Shania Twain?

Perhaps. Maybe even probably. Some folks get their enjoyment from Nature, while others enjoy more artificial things, e.g. decoration, illumination & music. It's not right or wrong, just different.
Gary RV Roamer said:
Perhaps. Maybe even probably. Some folks get their enjoyment from Nature, while others enjoy more artificial things, e.g. decoration, illumination & music. It's not right or wrong, just different.

Agree with Gary.  We like Nature enough that we have removed the TV from the camper.  When we need entertainment, we watch the camp fire.  Personally, I don't understand the move for built in outdoor TV's and radios.  That's not camping to me, but to each their own.
As if I needed one more reason to avoid "Campgrounds" (aka Trailer Parks) if at all  possible! :-*
When I am out in a campground I enjoy the natural light, but when I am in a RV Park such as, Twin River Vacation Park in Roseburg, OR I enjoy watching people light up their campers, motor homes, and so forth. I have yet to do it, but I have Pink Flamingo lights that I threaten to hang every year when we get to Twin Rivers, maybe this is the year...  ;D.

When we travel over to the Oregon Coast I would be miffed if someone used strong lighting. I rarely and for only short bursts use my porch light when we are in dark places. I rarely even use a lantern when out camping.

What I do enjoy seeing is folks making a honest dollar marketing their inventions...now that's America at its finest.
There's a rather handy fellow over at the old popup forum I used to frequent, that built his own box, with flasher and a switch.  He could select on, flashing, or off. He had a purpose though

Flashing, light pollution, etc...ugh.....

here's some paradigm shifts for you....
This other fellow used his in flashing mode when backing into his driveway.
I've read other use this "trick", if the ever break down on the side of the road, or even have to unhitch and leave their trailer on the side of the road & run into town
I read one story about a very dark campground.  One guy gets up to go the bathhouse..... some significant time went by so they started sending out search parties.  somebody turned on the lights and the guy was able to find his way....
denmarc said:
Really worth a discussion? You might be poking at a sponser that may very well be sponsering the very RV site you just posted on! Be careful.
Ads are kept at a minimum here. You didn't see any pop-ups, did you? Think again.

BTW..You spelled "Enquirering" wrong...
I know, it was pun referring to the trash rag
Sounds like a discussion years ago at a Home Owners Association
where we once lived.

Unbelievable how many people had opinions on how someone else
should live and wanted to dictate minor things.

Life is short.
Enjoy the Journey.
kjansen said:
Agree with Gary.  We like Nature enough that we have removed the TV from the camper.  When we need entertainment, we watch the camp fire.  Personally, I don't understand the move for built in outdoor TV's and radios.  That's not camping to me, but to each their own.

I'm not RVer yet, but we were camping with our minivan in north of russia, few families with kids. it was very nice to have fireplace near us and all the kids (like 8 of them) watching cartoons outside. So _sometimes_ it's reasonable to have it outside
I'm still trying to figure the purpose of having your running lights on.  Is it like spinning wheel covers?  Just to be cool?  Just seems like a waste of money.
kenb1023 said:
I'm still trying to figure the purpose of having your running lights on.  Is it like spinning wheel covers?  Just to be cool?  Just seems like a waste of money.
As are Christmas decorations, and those of Halloween; Valentines day cards; birthday cards; pictures on the wall; bumper stickers, etc. etc. Of course flowers around the house are a waste, too...  :)
Larry N. said:
As are Christmas decorations, and those of Halloween; Valentines day cards; birthday cards; pictures on the wall; bumper stickers, etc. etc. Of course flowers around the house are a waste, too...  :)
Exactly, wasted money that can be used for beer and guns  8)
kenb1023 said:
I'm still trying to figure the purpose of having your running lights on.  Just seems like a waste of money.

I guess you could call it a waste of money. I spent probably a whole wopping $.10 for a short 12 gage jumper wire. There goes my budget for this month!!! ;D  DAMM.  :mad:
Mike F and others:

I can't believe this is even a subject.

Yes, I guess it is time I explained.  The lighthearted intent of the post was apparently not clear from the title and smilies alone.

The subject was intended to generate some discussion.

Predictably, most of you have a 'live and let live' attitude.

Some agreed with the 'rant'. Some did not see an issue at all.

I am sure that none here would deliberately do something that would diminish the enjoyment of their neighbors.  As some of you noted, however, sometimes we forget, or just don't think about it.

I am sure that we all have our 'pet peeves' that we wish others would avoid. So, is it wrong to reflect once in a while about what we might do proactively to make the camping experience more pleasant for our neighbor?


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