Rare Oregon Blizzard Warning

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Tom and Margi

Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
We received an emergency alert on our cell phone this afternoon.  First one ever.  Snow levels are at 1500 feet and we're about 700, so we won't be directly affected except for higher than normal winds.  Travel in the Pacific Northwest, particularly the west slopes of the Cascades, will be dicey.


Margi, You want snow, go visit Mom & Dad in La Pine. Makes the 65 degree high here in the desert look pretty darn good :)

How are your folks doing there, Wendy?  I haven't kept up with the La Pine weather except to notice it sure has been darned cold over there.  I was really surprised to receive a text warning on the cell phone.  May have signed up for something like that, but don't remember.  So far we've had some gusts with a bit of "gusto", but otherwise business as usual.  Don't plan to hit the roads around here anytime soon, though.

Jim Godward said:
Last night my Daughter in Shelton, WA said they were getting ready for a bad storm.  Sounds like you too are in for it.  :(

So far the bad stuff seems north of us, so your daughter's area may take the brunt of this one.  You know how the PNW is: anything can happen at any moment.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.  So far, looks like we're in pretty good shape here.  :)

Jim Godward said:

Sounds like MT.  Wait a few minutes, the weather will change or not but no one knows in advance!
That's what I like about living in southwest Missouri.  We never have any weather surprises and always have plenty of advanced notice when storms are on the horizon...like tornadoes and ice storms. ::)
Sure you do.  That's why the Amateur radio guys are out telling the weather people what is really going on, Skywarn if you are interested!  Got involved in that while in OH a few years back while visiting a daughter in Dayton.
We are currently sitting in Nescowin, OR which is 13 miles from the coast.
We are having 40 mph + winds and crazy rain, 2 inches an hour.
We have pulled in our slides on our 40 foot Class A just to be safe, I would not like to wake up in the morning and find the covers down the road.
I'm in Tillamook - and it's blowing crazy here.. 

Check out the weather station http://weather.tpud.org/

or here: http://www.ocrg.org/telemetry_feed/ocrgwx.html

Getting nasty ere, high winds and higher than average tide.
Just heard those tides referred to as "king tides".  I don't think I've heard that term used before. 
I remember the last time I went to Las Vegas and Quartsite.. We took the northern route (Through Nebraska) and well.. about one day behind us all the way west it SNOWED!!!, and I mean SNOWED!!! as in I-80 was closed and they were airlifting hay to the cows in the field cause there was no other way to feed them. SNOWED.

We ... got lucky,,, turned left, and avoided it.
Molaker said:
That's what I like about living in southwest Missouri.  We never have any weather surprises and always have plenty of advanced notice when storms are on the horizon...like tornadoes and ice storms. ::)
Jim Godward said:
Sure you do.  That's why the Amateur radio guys are out telling the weather people what is really going on, Skywarn if you are interested!  Got involved in that while in OH a few years back while visiting a daughter in Dayton.
I used what I thought was the closest emoticon to "tongue in cheek".  Maybe it wasn't enough.  But, I used to be a storm spotter years ago.  Trouble is, where I live now, the only storm I can spot is directly above me and by the time I can spot it, it's too late. :)
I find the title a littl;e misleading ?? as storms are not at all rare in oregon?  I have driven many times through bend/lapine/klamath falls etc,s where its snowing and blowing and many time through pendeltons dead mans pass etc
I probably should have mentioned Western Oregon in the subject line.  The places you mentioned are all east of the Cascade mountain range.  To further clarify, it's not storms which are rare ... it's the blizzard warning.

Margi  (Sutherlin, Oregon)
[quote author=Tom and Margi]Just heard those tides referred to as "king tides".[/quote]

Aye Margi, last week was the first time I heard that term
Still in Neskowin, last night we closed the slides out of fear, try riding out the Oregon coast in a 40 foot flat sided motorhome.
Rita woke me up about 2am and wanted to go to a motel, almost said OK.
Today we have had rain (Blowing sideways) sunshine, snow and hail, lots of hail.looks like it's getting dark outside again-HERE WE GO AGAIN
larry6943 said:
Today we have had rain (Blowing sideways) sunshine, snow and hail, lots of hail.looks like it's getting dark outside again-HERE WE GO AGAIN

You're getting it way worse than we are down here.  It's almost eerily calm here right now.  Should get snow down to 500 feet tonight.  We rode out a couple of storms in our 36 foot up the Chetco River Canyon out of Brookings, so I know how scary it can be.

Margi, apparently the weather service instituted the cell phone warnings this year.  We got a lot of them this summer for flooding when monsoons were headed our way.  Apparently whether you get them or not depends on which cell tower the warning "pings" off.  We even heard an Amber Alert this summer on our cell phones.  I think it's a good use of new technology to alert people who may not have their TV or radio turned on.


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