Ray's new PC

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Tom said:
Hi Rob, that suggests that different OEMs have different licenses with Microsoft, given that other OEMs (at least some of them) provide the OS disk. My Gateway came with the OS disk and bootup doesn't first load their shell, which is what happens with all the HPs I've owned. My pre-HP Compaq also didn't load a shell.

You may be correct but the additional cost of the OS disk would be passed along to the customer. I believe that it's just one way that they try to keep the cost down. My Father in law recently purchased a Dell and it did not come with an OS disk ether just Recovery disks. I really don't know why it is done this way as I am on the large scale business Unix systems and the only contact that I have is calling on support and this is just what I have been told.  I also believe that part of the reason that they do the recovery disk is to dummy things down for the average user that knows nothing about how a computer works and make it simple to be able to recover the system. I do know that on the newer system you can just reinstall the OS without doing a reformat. at least on mine it has this option.

If you need an OS disk you could try contacting Microsoft telling them that you did not get an OS disk or that it is lost or bad and see if Microsoft would would send you one. They would probably want the code key off of the green Microsoft sticker on your computer case. Not sure if this would work or not they might just refer you back to the OEM.

I don't doubt that cost and "dumbing it down" are two reasons they do it that way. Just for clarification, I'm not in need of an OS disk myself; My Gateway came with one and I purchased standalone copies of Windows for each of my HP machines.
Actually, Jerry called me yesterday as he was on his way to the Chembook factory.  They offer the option of XP or Vista, apparently, and he wanted to know which I recommended.  That was too easy :)
Having manufacturers offer the option of XP sure doesn't sound like a vote of confidence in Microsoft. But I'm surprised MS even allows the OEMs to offer it.
Tom said:
Having manufacturers offer the option of XP sure doesn't sound like a vote of confidence in Microsoft. But I'm surprised MS even allows the OEMs to offer it.

Maybe just the better PC manufacurers offer your choice  between the two OS. ;D ;D
Ron, I'm just surprised that MS allows them to do that. I thought that MS dictated which rev of the OS gets installed.
Tom said:
Ron, I'm just surprised that MS allows them to do that. I thought that MS dictated which rev of the OS gets installed.

Maybe MS relalizes the errors of their way with Vista. ;D ;D  I am suprised too.
The large manufacturers have enough clout with MS to dictate some terms.  MS really doesn't care, they get paid for either version, and they will figure that an XP user today will eventually have to buy Vista, so it's future revenue for them in addition to the current revenue.

MS doesn't dictate as they once did, as witness Dell and a few others that are offering Linux preinstalled today.  The market has changed, in some ways for the better.  And the antitrust specter is always looking over their shoulder.
New laptops with Windows XP are nearly non existant  And I did ask.  Best Buy...  nada.    Circuit city...  nada.  CompUSA...  just one,  a Compac xp professional with 2G memory at 900 bucks.
King said:
New laptops with Windows XP are nearly non existant  And I did ask.  Best Buy...   nada.    Circuit city...   nada.   CompUSA...   just one,  a Compac xp professional with 2G memory at 900 bucks.

But obviliously there are some available and mentioned earlier.
I bought a 17" Toshiba Satellite laptop in April and have been very satisfied with it.  I watched laptop prices for many months at www.bensbargains.net and eventually bought a great deal at the OfficeMax website.
Karl said:
I have to agree with Ned - Vista SUX! :mad:

Bought a new Toshiba laptop with it installed, and put XP on it. Hardest part was finding the proper XP Drivers for some of the newer hardware, but most will be available HERE; others directly from the manufacturer.

I remember when we said "XP sucks!" ;D ;D

God I hate learning the tricks of new OS's. :mad: :mad:
Now if I were going to buy a new computer today and I had the minister of finance approval I would get a Chembook like Jerry Ardra's.  Now that is a fine computer, a bit pricy comparded to many but worth it. ( Ardras is newer and has more later things to offer.)


Guess what.  You were right with the first comment.  We're in the Bay Area and visited Chem USA yesterday.  Jerry's been running out of room (probably too many photos  ;)) so he ordered a new Chembook.  Yup.  It's better'n mine!  They'll ship it to our house so he'll have it early next week.

And, just for the record, he's getting XP installed, NOT Vista.  Sorry, Bill.

I know you and Jerry really like the Chembook and that you have had their computers in the past.  Might say return buyers several times over. ;D  Tell Jerry congratulations on the new computer and I think it was a good choice to stick with XP.
The saga continues:

Met Bernie and Marlene for drinks and dinner. (That's a different thread.) When I got home, DC had crashed, black screen. (DC=Dear Computer.)

Tried to reboot. I'm not going to relate all I went through, but hours later, here I am. I wound up with the recovery disk in the CD/DVD drive that doesn't work, and guess what! It worked. (I tried it in the external drive, and it didn't work, there!) The computer booted, in the correct drive, that doesn't work in Windows.   :-\

Now, I don't know whether to leave it in there, or take it out. In windows, the computer does not now recognize that drive. But, it did, to boot up.

So, what does that mean?   ???  What's going on, here?   ???

I have this working Jackass fantasy that everything is OK, now. Life will go on and blah, blah, blah.  ::)

That black screen sure is boring!  :(

So, now, do I take the disk out, or leave it in? Is this, now, a new component on the system? Will this computer ever boot again? Or, is this it?   ???

Ray D  :mad:  ;D  :mad:  ;D
Hope this old dead horse keeps walking for six more days.

Based on opinions here, and considerable shopping, on-line and in stores, Best Buy got the nod. I went with Toshiba. I?ll get it when it gets in there. I did some high-powered bargaining, pitting the one I bought against a different model but similar amenities at CompUSA. Basically, bought it the same way I buy a car.

Not sure how well I did, but got a Toshiba P205-S6347 with Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB memory, 200GB HD, 17 inch high def screen, reads and writes DVD/CD double density, whatever that is, and HD/DVDs. Has SD/XD card reader. Got the 3 year service plan with accidental damage protection including battery replacement but not more than two in three years. $1,761.

What I didn?t get is the computer, itself. They ordered it. I?ll get it in 2 to 6 days - they said. Also, I did not get XP. Damn! Going for XP simply narrowed the field, too much. Neither do I get an OS disk. Turns out there is a real premium on that. The option is to buy XP if necessary as a software package and install it. Seemed better, to me, as in that case, you do get the OS disk!

So, the old dinosaur has to go up to six more days, or I?m off the air.

However, at that point I am going to make an effort to resurrect it, from Format. Never did that before. What?s the harm? Hope that?s possible with a Rescue Disk.

At that point, I?ll be back and try to get some directions that even I can use. Anybody up to that kind of long distance work? That should be a real challenge!

Ray D  ;D
While doing a little HP surfing, I saw that the HP models I was comparing do not come with even a restore disk. It is either a $19 option or you must generate your own restore disk yourself. :-\

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