RE: new member trying to learn

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New member
Oct 18, 2005
Tucson, AZ
Hello to the Forum!

I am not new to RVing but new to this site.

It is getting cooler in AZ and that usually means the snowbirds begin to arrive.  The gas prices will slow that down I know, but I am still hoping to make new RV friends and renew friendships from past rallies.

If any of you are going through southern AZ ask for resources.  I have been here for decades.

In a few weeks I will mosey to Quartzsite and Yuma in my old conversion van to see what is happening there in RV world.

Merna  :)  Why don't any of these faces wear sunglasses?  8)
In a few weeks I will mosey to Quartzsite and Yuma in my old conversion van to see what is happening there in RV world.

Don't just mosey to Qzite, join us for the Forum Rally in late January -- there is a whole thread on it elsewhere in the forum.    Us little people need some additional troops for the under 38-foot ghetto at the rally.  ;D

Why don't any of these faces wear sunglasses?

What you mean no shades?!  RayBan Aviators I'll have you know.  8)
Hi Merna!  and yes you should try to make our QZ rally in January.  There is a big thread about it in our Rally section of this forum.
Hi Merna,

Welcome to the RV Forum.  Glad you found us.  Please join us at the RV Forum Quartzsite Rally in January.  See the calendar for dates or Bobs Website that will give details and directions to the area that we all park at for the rally.  See

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