Read the Library topic on purchasing and have a story to tell. Advice please! ;)

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New member
Jul 23, 2017
Ok, so I have carefully read the library topic here on purchasing a fifth wheel for full time living and have a little story to tell after carefully following all of the instructions on how to buy this thing correctly. Please let me know if I have done anything wrong or could do something different.

We found a 14 year old DVR unit for full time living that looked wonderfully cared for inside. It looked good on the outside too, good seals, everything looked nice and stable from floor to ceiling--except for the tires which looked deflated and a bit flat. This rig was being sold on a used car lot by a used car salesman. So taking all of the precautions we insisted on a full point by point inspection at a well regarded rv shop locally where the rig could be carefully tested and operated by the mechanics. So the first thing this salesman did was try to talk us out of this blah blah blah "buy now before I sell it this week" cheezy sales tactics which is basically all this guy was about--he knew next to nothing about the rig he was selling. Another reason in our mind to get the thing inspected by professionals before we made an offer. We were even willing to pay for the inspection (around $400).

So the first thing was that we found out that the rv shop did mobile inspections if the rig could be hooked up to power and water. Great. Salesman says yes it can be hooked up. So we booked the rv shop to send their mobile inspector. A few hours later, after the rv shop has closed for the day the salesman calls me and says ooops I don't have 50amp power source to hook up to can you have the mobile rv inspector bring a converter and extension cord. Next morning I called the rv shop and told them what the salesman said and they said that they could only run tests on individual elements of the rig not do a whole power up and 4 hour refrigerator test without either a generator OR towing it into their shop for inspection where they do have the 50 amp sources to properly power the whole thing up at once.

So I called the salesman back and of course he doesn't want it towed anywhere 'because insurance liabilities' (lol) and I could rent a generator and bring it to the lot for the testing. Um, well I guess I could do that but also the tires on it are deflated and possibly flat so how is that going to work--obviously this rig needs some new tires and he's already trying to be very stiff on his asking price. He was already arguing with us about the health of the tires which we could clearly see with our own eyes had issues and if we bought the rig we would need to move it and so the price would already have to come down at least 1500 even before testing procedures just so we could buy new tires to move it off the lot.

I am pretty sure we are going to walk away at this point. He is making us work way too hard and isn't willing to admit the clear issue with the tires. What do you guys think? I can get past the cheezy used car salesman lies and tactics if the rig actually passes the tests and we could agree on an immediate 1500 price drop to cover the costs of tires.
Run do not walk away.  Look to deal directly with the seller privately.  look on  it will allow you to specifically look for models by year, model, $$$ there are 1000's of units for sale never fall in love and never force the sale.  A good knowledgeable owner who has live with the unit, loved it, and know it intimately  is who you need to deal with, we bought our TT from a couple whose health forced the sale and there were tears in their eyes when he helped me hook it up.  for 3-4 years we called them to let them know about our travels and how the TT was getting on.  We never had a regret.  Any  time we dealt with a dealer we have only had regret.
;D haha yes, well this was a really weird situation because i found this rig on craigslist, spoke to the original owner who was a very nice lady but then told me that she had placed the unit on consignment with this dealer. i am starting to guess now that he is somehow related to her or knows her beyond just being the dealer she consigned with because they share the same phone number. when i first called to inquire i got her and from then on i was hearing from him and have not been allowed to speak to her further. so.... :eek: :eek:

Tom Hoffman said:
Run do not walk away.  Look to deal directly with the seller privately.  look on  it will allow you to specifically look for models by year, model, $$$ there are 1000's of units for sale never fall in love and never force the sale.  A good knowledgeable owner who has live with the unit, loved it, and know it intimately  is who you need to deal with, we bought our TT from a couple whose health forced the sale and there were tears in their eyes when he helped me hook it up.  for 3-4 years we called them to let them know about our travels and how the TT was getting on.  We never had a regret.  Any  time we dealt with a dealer we have only had regret.
Today's special little quip from this guy was "sheesh, are you planning on going through this with every trailer you want to buy?" referring to my demands for professional inspections and such. lol
sagreg said:
;D haha yes, well this was a really weird situation because i found this rig on craigslist, spoke to the original owner who was a very nice lady but then told me that she had placed the unit on consignment with this dealer. i am starting to guess now that he is somehow related to her or knows her beyond just being the dealer she consigned with because they share the same phone number. when i first called to inquire i got her and from then on i was hearing from him and have not been allowed to speak to her further. so.... :eek: :eek:

Never is every situation the same nor can you force it to be what you want.  You started out with what sounded and felt right.  Your common sense told you quickly that something was off.  That is when you should of stopped.  I look at lots of deals all the time and walk away from 99% for one reason or another.  There are honest sellers and there are dishonest one by the droves.  You haven't sent money.  Consider your self a little smarter and move on.
A used car sales guy is an expert in SELLING used vehicles, not in operating them. Caveat emptor and all that...  Not surprising a used car lot lacks a 50A or 30A outlet either.  All part of the drawbacks of buying privately or from a non-RV dealer. You would almost surely encounter the same problems with a private seller.  It's common to be unable to do a full power test and other desirable checks onsite, and also common that the RV will not be allowed to leave the sales lot. Liability, risk of theft/damage, etc.  It's not ideal, but something you have to live with.  When you buy a car, your test drive and mechanical inspection options are a probably limited as well.

A key piece of advice is not to get "married" to a particular deal.  If your expectations cannot be met, keep on shopping.

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