Recipe for a hot toddy

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Jan 13, 2005
Today, while in our local Safeway store, I ran into a Scottish-born friend who said he was buying some Scotch to make hot toddy for his guests.

This evening curiosity got the better of me, and I called my friend to ask for the recipe. Here's what I got from him. It sounds like my recipe for 'honey and hot lemon', but with the addition of Scotch.

  • Heat 2-3 ounces of water, but don't bring it to the boil.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey and stir.
  • Add a teaspoon of lemon and stir.
  • Add 2-3 ounces of Scotch (doesn't need to be an expensive brand) and stir.
Be sure you don't heat the water to the point that it will burn (scald) your mouth.
I learned it as 2 jiggers of water and whiskey etc.  Later learned a jigger was 1 1/2 oz. but by then I was in High school too.  They teach 'em young in MT!  :)
North of the border the recipe for a hot toddy required Hudson Bay rum for its cold curing properties. At well over 100 proof it lessened the load on the dog team, and being Hudson Bay rum, only the sick were willing to try it.
Redman said:
North of the border the recipe for a hot toddy required Hudson Bay rum for its cold curing properties. At well over 100 proof it lessened the load on the dog team, and being Hudson Bay rum, only the sick were willing to try it.

In Minnesota where I learned to make them, it was 100 proof whiskey.  Those old Norwegian's and German's were tough!!  Dad watered his down with an extra jigger of water.  He took a lot of kidding about that.
Reflecting on my discussion, he mentioned that he was making the toddies for visitors. Being a Scotsman, he may not have wanted to share too much of his liquor  ???
It's barely 5 am here so I thought I'd check my supply of honey for breakfast. Scotch -- don't need to check for that.
when we make hot toddies, it is for medicinal purposes, congestion, sore throat and the like.

We do the following:

bring water to a boil, with Cinnamon stick, cloves, lemon juice and honey.

take off the boil
strain into cup containing whatever booze we have available. Drink as hot as you can stand it.
This gives me something to do with those "gift" bottles I have aquired over the years. 

All these recipes are way too much trouble. Just skip all that stuff and go straight to the booze.  ;D ;)
    I agree with Redman, except that it has to be black rum, I found that any brand will do, and make sure you only add it as you are serving it as alcohol evaporates much quicker when hot, so you don't want to lose the its effect.

'Hot' rum was a home recipe for a cold in the old country. Methinks it was something invented by the distilleries or the pubs  ;)
We are late to the party.....but we use half dark rum.........half brandy.......a tsp of real maple syrup.  Add hot water and sit down.
Jim Godward

After drinking the strong version, I now know why the towns of Fertile and Climax got their names.  As I recall you grew up in Fergus Falls  Mn.
kjansen said:
Jim Godward

After drinking the strong version, I now know why the towns of Fertile and Climax got their names.  As I recall you grew up in Fergus Falls  Mn.

Close but no cigar, go about 25 miles south to Elbow Lake and you've got it correct.  Hope to get back there this spring on the way to VA for a graduation in May.
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