Red dyed Diesel checks

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Moderator Emeritus
Jan 29, 2005
Home is where we park it
Just read elsewhere that in California the CHP are stopping all diesel vehicles that pass their check points for red dyed off road diesel.  In the last month I have heard of this happening in the Eastern States as well as Washington state.  Although we have never used red dyed diesel I have met a couple RVers that do while we were in AZ.  Sounds like maybe with the high cost of fuel the states are worried they may be cheated out of their taxes.
I havent seen anyone pulled over yet .........but it wouldnt surprise me........Diesel is running about $3.30 to $3.50 per gallon here in Calif........for work, I buy on and off road diesel so I get to see the break down......the road tax difference is a bout 30/35 cents a gallon.....certainly not worth taking the risk and the fine they would hand down if they caught you.
Alas there are many folks who will risk hundreds of dollars in fines in order to save a few bucks at the pump.  And, there are folks who will report them to get the reward. So odds are they will catch a few.

If I worked as a pump jockey in a state with Off-Road fuels, and I saw a rig that looked to be using it in voilation.  I'd turn 'em in for two reasons...1: helping catch crooks was my job before I retired  2: I can use the reward money
I think here in Utah they fine per gallon.  My fatgher owns a trucking company and frequently have UHP come into his yard to check tanks.  He has never bought/used dyed diesel so he doesn't care but I've heard of companys being fined up in the $100's of thousand range
In N Florida it is common for FL Dept of Transportation officers to stop commercial trucks and check for red diesel.  I do not think RVs are ever checked unles there is some other isue that has gotten law enforcement involved.  Paying road tax is a good thing.  It is the right thing to do and is the legal thing to do. :)
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