regarding workamper contracts and hours

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New member
Feb 5, 2012
I was wondering how workamper contracts work? I live in an rv park which used to only want you to work 24 hours per week to pay off your rent and have never had a contract. Now with new management coming in they want us to do 30 hours instead with no extra pay at all and now want us to sign a contract. The contract they want us to sign states that if there is a dispute I only have 2 days to get out of the park. I don't understand we have a few people who work here but not all are doing the hours they always take off half days and still are getting covered and some aren't working any more then what they were and are still getting paid for their difference after only 24 hours. This doesn't seem right. I know I am new to all of this but I am not quite understanding the workamper thing. I know people have favorites but workamper should be equal am I right. Please help I don't want to sign a contract then keep praying that I don't lose a place to live just over any simple disagreement.
Then don't sign a contract.  Don't work for them any longer.  Pay your monthly rent and move on with life.  It is really simple.  If you do not like the rules they establish for working for them, you are under no obligation to accept it.
If any employer did that to me that would be the last thing they did to me. If this is their opening shot imagine what they will dream up in the future.
There is no standard terms for workamping labor - it's whatever the owner and the workampers can agree on (subject to federal & state minimum wage laws). A contract is good - it documents the agreement and avoids mistaken assumptions. So if you don't like the terms of the contract, you know you don't want the job. You can either pay rent instead of working for your site, or move on. Or negotiate a different contract, though I have not found campground owners to be amenable to that except for small details. They usually come up with their terms and conditions because of some need they perceive, often based on some past problem, so they are typically are quite firm on them.

If you NEED that particular campsite to live in and cannot go elsewhere, you are over a barrel. Your choice is to pay the rent or accept the terms of the offer. Complaining about other workampers isn't likely to change things, nor will it endear you to either the owner or the other workampers.
The red flag for me is you saying "that doesn't sound right".  If it doesn't sound right or feel right then you should not be doing it as it's just going to PI55 you off in the long run.  Is that what you want?  As mentioned above, if you have no other specific obligations that require you to remain I would seriously reconsider my options.  I think a contract is a great idea.  Hopefully, everyone else will have a similar contract and will have to either buck up or get out.  That should create a level playing ground for everyone.  If you don't think that's what's going to happen you are either going to have to suck it up or move on since you have no contract with the previous owners with which to negotiate.
This is a personal opinion only and not meant to harm or insult but rather just provide food for thought.

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