Replacement bathroom door knobs

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2014
The bathroom door handles on our new 2018 Winnie Fuse are very pretty, but are also very long for the enclosed space they are used in and we keep catching ourselves on them. My wife has asked me to replace them with smaller handles or knobs. Since the handle mechanism is much smaller than that used in a home I first looked on Amazon, but found nothing that looked like it would work. I next checked Home Depot online but all of that stuff looked like it was full sized and for a home.

Can anyone suggest where I might be able to find replacement knobs with RV size door mechanisms?

edit by staff - changed message icon to topic solved
spencerpj said:
I searched 'RV Door knobs' on Amazon, got pages of products,

I did the same before I posted, but everything I looked at looked like either the identical long handles, which are causing the problem, or standard home door knobs, which are too large to use in the small cutouts for an interior RV door.

I assume there is some standard location for ordering the smaller mechanisms which are needed in an RV.
would these work?
Thanks for the link.

Hard to tell just by looking at the photo, but I suspect not. They are listed as mobile home door knobs and likely are for light weight but full size doors in regular mobile homes, not RVs. The entire mechanism of an RV door knob is smaller than for normal size doors. The tongue is smaller the shank is smaller and the handles are smaller (well, the handle on the ones we want to remove are full size but the shank and tongue are smaller).

I went to the RV dealer today to try to find small knobs but had no luck. They suggested CampingWorld, but they did not have them either.
John Canfield said:
Try West Marine:

Thank you for the link. I will check and see what I can find that matches.
Interesting, I didn't know the hardware was different than house stuff.  I used to have links to all of the hardware suplliers to Elkhart and other RVs.  If you can find their supplier and search a catalog you'll have better luck.  You know the kind - they look just like real parts, but they are cheap knock-offs from overseas :)  Love the ones the imitate the Moen logo.
I had the same problem trying to replace a broken door knob on my closet. The door is only about one inch thick, and the backset from the edge is different. I did find a replacement at Camping World, but it was about 50 bucks. I have kept looking, and looked at some salvage yards, and parts stores at Quartzite. I have yet to find any other ones other than the ones I saw at Camping World. Standard doorknobs dont work, I tried those first.
Try Lowes
I eventually removed the door handle and took it to Home Depot to see if they could match it. They did and I was able to get a replacement and solve the problem. The new knob works, but it was a bit of a struggle getting it to work with the tongue of the existing door knob. A bit of shoving, some twisting and it finally fit into the door and works properly.
I bought a replacement bathroom door handle and lockset from Amazon.
MikeFromMesa said:
I eventually removed the door handle and took it to Home Depot to see if they could match it. They did and I was able to get a replacement and solve the problem. The new knob works, but it was a bit of a struggle getting it to work with the tongue of the existing door knob. A bit of shoving, some twisting and it finally fit into the door and works properly.
Interesting. Glad you got a fairly good match locally.

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