Replacement Dash Inserts

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Aug 8, 2006
Near Kennedy Space Center

I just purchased a 1993 Coachmen 340mb limited on a ford f-53 chassis. The fake wood dash inserts are falling apart. Does anyone know where I can order replacements?

Thanks in advance for your help.

czlight  We had a 340MB and put over 72K miles oin it  Loved it.  We thought the Bath was great the way the double door opens up.  Sold it to a friend and it now has over 120K on it and still purring like a Kitten.    Good luck on finding the panels you need.  I doubt if you will find them but a good shop man can mike them quite simply in a woodworking shop.  There really wasn't that many of them made.  Should have been cause they are a fine unit.

Hi Shayne,

Thanks for the reply, I was getting worried after searching the web and not really findng any information on this paticular model. Your reply made me feel better about my purchase. We are new to this and were initially in the market for a new TT, but I saw this one for sell and talked my wife into it...) We live near the space center and have seen our share of hurricanes over the last few years and wanted something we could escape in with our dogs.. :). I have found a site that can  make a new insert by using the old one as a template, I am not sure of the price yet, but I will keep anyone who is interested up to date.

Good. Glad you found someone that will handle it for you. The only bad things for us with the Coachman was.  I replaced the shocks,brakes, and tires ( normal maintenence and had a little jack problem, easily remmedied.  Oh and I got caught in some low branches and cut the roof and had to replace it.  We ran it hard cause at that time it seemed as tho every trip was a time schedule, not the way to enjoy a trip. B ut we cedrtainly enjoyed the RV.  Good luck

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