Replacement for a Schumacher SARVC55

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Feb 15, 2013
I have a 2012 Itasca Sunova 30A. It has a Schumacher SARVC55 converter/charger unit. I have two pages in my information manual which are of no value. I have called Schumacher about get a complete manual. They just sent me the same two pages. The unit will boil the water down in the batteries, so it is a single stage unit. I would like to replace it with a 3 stage unit. Can anyone of you all help me with this problem?

Thanks, Ronald
I emailed Winnebago about my Schumacher converter/charger. They would not suggest a replacement. I can't get anythingout of Schumacher company. I am looking at the Progressive Dynamics PD9260C unit with charge wizard. I measured the area where the Schumacher unit is located and the PD9260C will fit. I know I am going to a 60 amp unit to replace my 55 amp. But I want the 3-stage unit over the 1-stage unit. Anyone out there tried this replacement and/or have a problem with the change?

Thanks Ron
I upgrade my 3645 converter to a 9260 with the dongel a few weeks ago. It took a couple days to get my batteries up to full charge. I haven't used the coach, but have checked it several times and every time I look at it, it's in float mode. Haven't had to add any water yet. I bought mine off of E-bay for $134.00 and $12.00 for the dongel.
Gary I measured the location and it looks like it will fit. I am tired of the batteries boiling out. I am also going to get the converter status remote pendant. I think that would be a big help since the unit is behind a wood panel. Thanks for the feedback.

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