Replacement wipers

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Jan 13, 2005
Does anyone have a good (quality, reliable, reasonably priced) source for windshield wiper replacements - blades &/or refills - for our Monaco. I read somewhere of a good source, but didn't save the information. I've tried several auto parts places and they don't have anything close. My understanding is that the OEM ones are grossly overpriced.

Hi Tom,

I purchased 2 complete sets on12-1-2003 at A&A (Napa) in San Jose for 93.22 including tax. They had to order them but got them  the next day.
I shortly should replace them again.
We are slowly moving homewards and expect to be home this Friday.

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the lead. Glad to hear you're finally on your way home. Must be hot down there right now. It's hot and unusually humid in the Bay area.
Hi Tom,

On our way from Moab to Yuma we stayed 3 days at the Dead Horse Ranch in Cottonwood. From there to Yuma but after one day at 102 degrees we decided that was to much for us. We visited the dentist packed the MH and Toad and went to Playa Vista next to Marina Del Rey. At the Docweilers here we have a front row camping spot. Thursday morning we go back to Algadones with the toad for our dental appointment at 1.30 and after that straight back to? Playa Vista.
Friday morning we leave Playa Vista? and should make it home late that night.

On our way to Algadones we visited another dentist and could have saved ourselves a ton of money, but after inspection of the facilities decided not to for it.



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LOL Chris, great photos.

We have fond memories of Marina Del Rey, including visiting Carl & Cindy Lundquist. Stayed at MDR on the way down the coast and again on our way home, but that was in our floating RV.

I bought replacement wipers a couple years ago for about $80, and they need replacement now. IMHO the so-called commercial blades aren't any better than what you could get at any auto supply house. These were supposedly 'low-lift' blades, but I couldn't see any difference.
Thanks Karl. When I tried to buy some at an auto supply store, I could find the right length refill, but nothing close to anthing that would fit the blades on the coach. When I looked at their blades, there was nothing that would fit the arms.

Looks like Chris had one solution I didn't think of, i.e. to order them through an auto parts store.

I could of course order them from Monaco, but I've been told they charge almost double what they would cost elsewhere. But, if I can't buy them elsewhere .....

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