Robbed by a tow truck driver

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  Tom, in the mean time you might want to check around to see if there might be a local towing service that you could call if the need ever arises again to move your coach.  Even a local farmer with a tractor would do.  I'd disconnect the drive shaft, and leave it disconnected.

Hfx_Cdn said:
    I'd disconnect the drive shaft, and leave it disconnected.Ed
You can tow it the mentioned distances (75-200 yards), without disconnecting the drive shaft, as often as necessary without damage.  Besides, if I remember correctly, the transmission is the original reason Tom's MH is disabled.
Just Lou said:
You can tow it the mentioned distances (75-200 yards), without disconnecting the drive shaft, as often as necessary without damage.  Besides, if I remember correctly, the transmission is the original reason Tom's MH is disabled.
No I don't think the transmission had anything to do with it not running. I was moving from one site to another and I pulled it into a space in front of where I was to be parking and the engine just died. I tried the key and got nothing, zip, nada. I have no intention of moving it again. If I do I will just pay a tow company to move it. But I am extremely happy with my new location. Very nice neighbors.
Sorry Tom, to use a popular journalistic phrase,  I guess  I misremembered. ;) :D
Hope the new location works out for you.  Agreeable neighbors, and being agreeable in return, can make a world of difference in enjoying everyday life.
Gary RV Roamer said:
One thing not mentioned here so far is the type of Coach-Net plan Seilerbird has. Coach-Net includes "appointment assistance" in their Basic & Premier plans, but not in the Basic plan.  None of the plans, however, include towing just for the sake of convenience. Nor do I think that "appointment assistance' extends to explaining the terms of the contract that you will be making with the service once you agree to hire it at your own expense. At that point, you become responsible for all the expenses and decide whether the terms & conditions are acceptable or not.

Maybe the real culprit in this mess was the mobile mechanic. He pronounced the battery a goner without any test whatsoever, and then made some absurd claims about bad fuel, replacing the fuel pump, etc.  I could maybe understand that scare story if he was trying to get the repair business, but apparently he didn't want to do that either and recommended a tow?  If asked, Coach-Net would have provided a free service to come and jump start the battery and likely Seilerbird could have driven the 200 yards.
That was my thought when I read Seilerbirds  account of the events which took place.
1. He stated, he originally called for a wrecker to move his RV within the park, not to a repair facility, which was denied by CoachNet.
2. On a subsequent call, he was offered a mobile mechanic, who pronounced his battery DOA, and a possible fuel issue, because of age.
3. On a follow-up call to CoachNet, he asked them to locate a Tow Truck for him, and he would pay for it himself.  At this point CoachNet was simply doing Seilerbird a  favor by dispatching a Tow Truck to his location.  He would have been better off asking for a jump start, either by the mobile mechanic, or a Road Service truck from CoachNet, as Gary stated, rather than the expensive tow, or at the very least, contacted the Tow Company directly, and got the price, up front, right from the horses mouth, before they responded out to his location, and surprised him with a 3 hr. minimum.

You gotta think things out, and do your due diligence, before you agree to anything!
rebelsun said:
3. On a follow-up call to CoachNet, he asked them to locate a Tow Truck for him, and he would pay for it himself.  At this point CoachNet was simply doing Seilerbird a  favor by dispatching a Tow Truck to his location.  He would have been better off asking for a jump start, either by the mobile mechanic, or a Road Service truck from CoachNet, as Gary stated, rather than the expensive tow, or at the very least, contacted the Tow Company directly, and got the price, up front, right from the horses mouth, before they responded out to his location, and surprised him with a 3 hr. minimum.

You gotta think things out, and do your due diligence, before you agree to anything!
CoachNet was not doing me a favor. I pay them $100 a year for their service and getting a tow truck for me is one of the services they offer. I got my money refunded because it was not the tow truck company that overcharged me, it was the tow truck driver.  It is a very complicated situation and very difficult to describe. But the tow truck driver was pissed off at me because he did not want to tow me, he wanted to charge me for showing up and be done with it. I did think things out.
Just Lou said:
Sorry Tom, to use a popular journalistic phrase,  I guess  I misremembered. ;) :D
Hope the new location works out for you.  Agreeable neighbors, and being agreeable in return, can make a world of difference in enjoying everyday life.
No harm no foul Lou. I understand completely. I sometimes forget what I had for breakfast. Getting old is a bitch. We had a power outage at the park and I spent some time this afternoon BSing with my new neighbors. They are very nice. They have four kids who are wonderful. They play but they don't run around screaming. They run through my yard and I don't care, so long as they are quiet and not ripping the place up. The spot I was in was the pits. For some reason people would use the pool and scream. I don't understand why screaming and swimming go together.
SeilerBird said:
CoachNet was not doing me a favor. I pay them $100 a year for their service and getting a tow truck for me is one of the services they offer. I got my money refunded because it was not the tow truck company that overcharged me, it was the tow truck driver.  It is a very complicated situation and very difficult to describe. But the tow truck driver was pissed off at me because he did not want to tow me, he wanted to charge me for showing up and be done with it. I did think things out.
I'm sorry to hear about your medical situation, and glad the bank refunded the money taken from your account, when you used your debit card, but none of this should have been so complicated.  I've found fellow RV'ers and in some cases campground staff to be very helpful in assisting when another RV'er has a problem, and they lend assistance when they're able.
If I were in your shoes, with no intention of moving the RV in the future, I'd get rid of CoachNet all together, and if I ever needed to have the RV moved in the future, to call around, get your own prices, and contract with a Tow Company of your choosing, once you've established all the necessary information, PRIOR to them coming out, so as to avoid any surprises in the future.  It sounds like too many people got involved with this situation, everytime you spoke to a (different) CSR call taker at CoachNet, a mobile mechanic, and a Tow Truck ordered up by CoachNet at your request, and a driver, who was making up the rules as he went along!
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