Roof top ac with heat

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There are two types of ac with heat. One has a resistance heat strip which is inefficient and a power hog. The other is a heat pump which is more efficient but usually do not work well below about 35-40 degrees.
If you Google Coleman or RecPro rv you’ll find plenty of sources that sell them. I assume a park model in Ontario isn’t moving much, so whether a unit with an electric strip vs a heat pump would be addressed largely by: who’s paying the electric bill?
If that’s a non-issue, go with whatever is being replaced; that way you can be assured the thermostat will not need replaced and/or rewired.
It doesn't make sense to make heat at the ceiling when heat raises anyway,>>>Dan
In a space limited area (IE: RV) it makes great sense to make heat in a place where you have room and blow it down and that way you have more room for other things near the bottom. Otherwise I'd agree with you.
It doesn't make sense to make heat at the ceiling when heat raises anyway,>>>Dan
My house is 100% electric. It was built in the 1970's. The heat is in the ceiling (wires) that cover the entire ceiling of the entire house (it's 2800 square feet on one floor). That's a lot of ceiling and a lot of wires.

Point being, the heat comes from the ceiling and heat's the house just fine. The attic is insulated great. In winter there is no heat felt coming through the insulation in the attic. It's friggin' cold up there. The AC unit is in the attic also (actually 2 ACs) and it's all ducked from the ceiling too. I know, cold air goes down, warm air goes up .

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