Rotochok Question

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Do I really need two sets of Rotochoks? Can I get by with Rotochoks on one side of the coach and regular wheel chocks on the other? Trying to save a buck or two....maybe $70.  ;)
BruceinFL said:
Do I really need two sets of Rotochoks? Can I get by with Rotochoks on one side of the coach and regular wheel chocks on the other? Trying to save a buck or two....maybe $70.? ;)

I had to look the rascals up on the net at  Cute rascals.  Looks like they should work.  However, I have been schlepping a tandem axle trailer for a lot of years and have relied entirely on ordinary wedge chocks kicked into a wheel, fore and aft on one side.    One side since I have usually leveled up on plastic blocks on the other.  Have not wandered anywhere in the middle of the night yet.  I do double up if the site has a pronounced fore and aft tilt, but that is rare.  But then I don't set up on ski runs.  At least not the black diamond runs.

In any case, I suspect that rotochoks on one side and wedge chocks on the other is belt and suspenders.  Rotochoks on both sides sells a lot of rotochoks. ;D
I use to use Chock & Lock, which I found convenient, but a couple chunks of 4x4 blocks was all I ever needed to keep the rig in one place.

The Chock & Lock worked well on my King of the Road with the Moryde suspension because it stopped a "quivering" when parked that was due to the suspension flexing and turning the wheels slightly.  Locking them stopped that, whereas the wood chocks did not.
I hope I don't get into trouble for saying this, but there are some things that you just swallow hard & put the money up. One of those things (or two I guess) are Rotochoks. The point of our buying them was that they do the best job of holding you steady and they last forever 'cause they are made of SS and other high quality products. If you think they are high priced in U.S., try having them shipped to Canada when our dollar is in the toilet. Whew! Still, we love-em.

Just MHO.

John B.
  I have owned rotochoks for the last two fifth wheels and must say they are very good.    Yes they are expensive, but I feel they were worth it.  Also, you are best with two (one for each side).

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