RV Losers!

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Just Don

Well-known member
Oct 19, 2012
Longview, Tx
RV Losers! are you one or do you want to be one! Lot of people
don't want to be known as a looser. Some times people think
where looser ::),but I want to be a even bigger looser.
Make my day for some one to say Just Don's Just a big looser,
no a Real big Looser.  I figure a person is only a looser if they
want to be one in any part of there life, or we can also be successful
in any part of our lives. It's all there between our ears, in the matter.

Yes, I'M talking weight loss here! It's one part of life I figure you can
actually be a successful looser is weight loose. Hey I'M a looser or hey
I have successfully lost weight.
I've lost close to 150 lbs and still setting over 210, at 5'6"! I'M still PHAT..

I don't know how to set up some thing like this, but I'M looking to
see if any one on this forum wants to be a
Help me figure out how to organize this, I need the help organization
not a strong suit of mine, humor maybe okay I'M still working on that.

Starting of maybe we could have some one or some where we can post weight loss.
Don't have to us names if that bother you I don't mind. You can PM me or post here.
This is kind of a heavy topic, sorry for the pun.

I don't like height weight charts for years I should have been 7'6", actually
I should be closer to 146-168.

Hello I'M Just Don Gertz, I'M obesity!



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I let my weight blossom last summer and had to shed some over the winter. Managed to lose 20 lb and felt much better as a result. Then a nephew handed me a 20# bar bell and said "Just imagine, you were carrying that around everywhere you went, 24/7!". I want to tell you, I was stunned when I hefted it.

So next time you walk through a Walmart, drop by the sports section and grab a bar bell that is equivalent to that extra weight you've been wanting to lose. I think you will be shocked to feel how much extra load it really is.
I can totally relate.  I've lost almost 100lbs over the last couple of years.  On out last non MH vacation, I picked up 2 suitcases, each weighing almost 50lbs, and the DW said, imagine you were carrying that around every day!  It was a struggle to carry those suitcases.  One of the best things I've ever done.  Happy to be an RV Loser!

I know what your saying the weights. we buy bird feed scratch and sunflowers 50lbs each.
I'LL sling one over my shoulder and think wow I used to carry three of these
around every day for 20 years maybe and wonder why I didn't have any energy.
I guess I have close to another bag of feed to loose.

I have a better idea.. When you go into a supermarket go to the sugar aisle and pick up a 5 lb bag of sugar. Walk around the store carrying it around.

Makes you want to loose 5 lbs.  Easier than looking for bar bells.  You will not stand out either.  Bags of flour work also. 
It took me a while, I had to think about your question..I was a air traffic controller.  We used to say we were pushing tin.  So the handle.  Should of used my initials "PK"

Tin man said:
It took me a while, I had to think about your question..I was a air traffic controller.  We used to say we were pushing tin.  So the handle.  Should of used my initials "PK"
Jim that's great I can see where it be called that.
Gary RV Roamer said:
I let my weight blossom last summer and had to shed some over the winter. Managed to lose 20 lb and felt much better as a result. Then a nephew handed me a 20# bar bell and said "Just imagine, you were carrying that around everywhere you went, 24/7!". I want to tell you, I was stunned when I hefted it.

So next time you walk through a Walmart, drop by the sports section and grab a bar bell that is equivalent to that extra weight you've been wanting to lose. I think you will be shocked to feel how much extra load it really is.

Hi Gary and all,

That is exactly the way I view it, only I imagine a one pound rolled up frozen hamburger lost for every pound I shed. I currently am down about 7 lbs of ground round  ;D

It's a lot of extra weight you carry with you and every time I loose weight, I always feel so much better. Keep up the good effort just Don!!! It does help to have a group to give you incentive to loose. It is a life style change and you have to eat better, eat less or count calories to achieve your goal. Best!!
camperAL said:
That is exactly the way I view it, only I imagine a one pound rolled up frozen hamburger lost for every pound I shed. I currently am down about 7 lbs of ground round  ;D

I generally think that I've lost 20 lb of butter from under my skin - it's pretty much the same stuff.  "Only" another 40 to go.  Walking 3 mi/day helps..  cooling down with an IPA or two afterwards doesn't.  ;D
It was just a chart maybe from 50 from yahoo, it doesn't matter.
I don't believe in charts, more of a bmi.
What matters was getting more of us in the forum to start a group.
Not just for me, I can do it, but I think it be great as/for a group.
Share what are looses are and things working for us.
But I don't know how to do it! So if there is interest I'M asking for help.
I figure there is a stop smoking topic why not a stop eating thread.
Obesity to me is as bad a habit as smoking they both kill.
Well in that case. I read a study a couple years ago that said humans thirst and hunger triggers are very similar to the brain. So when folks think they are hungry what they really are is thirsty. Eating will suppress this of course so you assume ::) you were hungry. Thus the urge gets more messed up by conditioning the brain. 

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