RV Park rates and memberships

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Well-known member
May 24, 2009
Saskatchewan, Canada
I know rates are all over the board depending on season/facilities/location etc, but... I was wondering if it is (a) possible and (b) beneficial for a Canadian such as myself to get a Passport America membership or the like? (can't think of any others at the moment)  We stay about 10 separate nights in 10 or so RV parks in the US every year, usually taking advantage of AAA rates (our CAA is a sister organization) when we can, but often they do not honor that.  Would it be worth it for the savings we get?  We have extended insurance and auto club benefits with our CAA, so I doubt if we are much interested in the "extras" besides the RV Park savings.  We stay in the winter and spring, so only the southern states of AZ and NM tend to be a bit pricey for us, ie. $30+.  Thoughts?

If the Passport America member campgrounds in the areas you would stay, then just 3-4 nights will usually pay for the membership.
Yeah, Passport is almost a no brainer if you do much overnighting at all.  They're often limited to one night at 50% discount but as Ned indicated, three or four nights and it's paid for.
I think you can go to Passport America website and look to see if there are campgrounds along your route before purchasing a membership.  Sometimes Passport American Campgrounds are off the beaten path.

Good Sam (publisher of the Trailer Life Camground Directory) parks give 10% discounts at member parks which in the directory are indicated with the Good Sam logo smiling face.  That's an alternative because there are so many GS parks.

Ardra, maybe you can answer this question for me....

I have been a GS member for a bunch of years, and still am.

  What always amazed me that every GS campground that I went to and stated that I was a member, there were no further questions. No ID (proof) required. All of them took my word and provided the 10% discount.

  Do campground owners get a rebate from GS or how does it work?

  One of the mysteries in my life.

Carson FL
carson said:
Ardra, maybe you can answer this question for me....

I have been a GS member for a bunch of years, and still am.

  What always amazed me that every GS campground that I went to and stated that I was a member, there were no further questions. No ID (proof) required. All of them took my word and provided the 10% discount.

  Do campground owners get a rebate from GS or how does it work?

  One of the mysteries in my life.

Carson FL

We've experienced the same thing.  Only rarely have they asked to see our card but it has happened.  Other clubs like Passport and CampClub USA take information from our cards.


We do get asked for our Good Sam card.  Jerry says maybe more than half the time.  We actually use it quite a lot, more than we did in our early RVing days when we were more inclined to boondock.  It's like KOA; sometimes we need to use them more than others, such as when attending a reunion, visiting family, or something that requires staying at the nearest campground which just happens to be a KOA.

I'm not sure I can answer much about how it all works.  I do know that people actually do go around and rate the various campgrounds on specific items.  I remember Gouldings at Monument Valley got the Laundry "Sparkle Award" the first time we went there.  It was spotless - even with all that red dirt in the area!  I think the GS Parks tend to be larger and have more amenities.

Campgrounds pay to have an entry in the TL Campground Directory, as well as in Woodall's.  Have you ever had them ask as you were checking in where you learned about their campground?  Your answers tell campground owners and managers where they should advertise based on their guests.  A couple of years ago, just as we were entering this current recession, we had several owners ask and then talk with us at length about our reasons for using TL or Woodalls.  They told us that both had increased their rates so much that they needed to cut advertising in one of them and they needed help determining which directory was used the most.  By contrast, it pays to stop at state visitor centers because they often have information on campgrounds that are so small they can't afford to advertise in the big directories, but they may have an entry in their state directory.  The one at Circle MT is a good example.

A lot of people don't like Good Sam because of all the junk mail, but we think the campground discounts make membership in it worthwhile - but then we're not paying to have all the junk mail forwarded like some of the fulltimers.

    Jenny, we joined last year, and it payed for itself on the way to Yuma.  However, on the way through California then east, we found that they were not well represented.  Yet we stayed in enough PA Parks to have made it well worth having the membership.  It just took a little more planning, or staying a bit further from where we wanted to visit.  We have used it a few times in Canada, and more than made up any downside we felt over difficulties out west. 

Hmm, I'll check the websites for both GS and Passport America and see if the campgrounds line up with our route.  I am assuming a Canadian can get a membership.  I would probably just pay for it online with a credit card and get my card in the mail?

Thanks for the input, guys.

Thanks Ardra,,  good info.

Just curious about the system. No one has ever asked me why I came there... Guess they were happy to have another customer. I guess they 'eat' the discount and consider it as part of their advertising budget

Thanks for the info.
Carson FL
carson said:
Thanks Ardra,,  good info.

No one has ever asked me why I came there... Guess they were happy to have another customer. I guess they 'eat' the discount and consider it as part of their advertising budget

Thanks for the info.
Carson FL

We actually get asked quite frequently when checking in... "how did you hear about us?"  Some places even log that information upon check in so they gather statistics on how effective various forms of advertising might be.

I think Carson's right about them just being glad to have another customer.  The idea behind most of these memberships is that by discounting selected sites at selected times they might attract customers they wouldn't have otherwise had at all. 

Janina I'll bet you're right too and can join on line with your CC and get your card in the mail.

You can also find a PA campground that's along your route and buy the membership there. Some even give you a discount for buying the membership.

Hmm, Wendy, I like that idea.  Wouldn't like to have to wait for a card to arrive in the mail, as we are leaving in about a month's time.  On the other hand, they don't issue card at the campground, do they?  Clearly I've got a spot of research to do!

My parents signed up for PA at Terrible's in Pahrump and got a temporary card there with their number on it. The regular one came in the mail later. We signed up online and immediately got a number. Then the regular card came in the mail.

As others have advised, you can get the PA membership in any campground that honors it or online, and get a temporary membership card immediately. And no restrictions on Canadian applicants either.  Some campgrounds even have the directories available for new members.  We usually look online to find a nearby PA, so don't worry much about the paper directory, though.
One tip I read somewhere, somewhen was to have either sticky address style computer printed labels or a business card printed with your name, address and all your RV Park memberships and numbers.  Then if they are paper based the sticky label just goes on their form.  If computer based then the biz card makes life easier.
My wife and I belong to the WCCA.  That's the Wal*Mart Campground Club of America.  Very reasonable rates and very low membership fee.
The campground provides the full GS discount - there is no rebate or anything from GS. As I recall, the campground actually has to pay a fee to get listed as a "Good Sam" park.

The parks we worked in all asked to see the GS Id card, but we have visited more than a few that took me at my word. The fact that we were there and asking for a GS discount was sufficient proof that the advertising worked. The park really doesn't care if you paid GS your dues or not.
Tony---I have been doing that for several years.  Got the idea from FMCA.  Printed business cards with name, address, phone number, MH and toad brand name and license number. I grab one when I go to the RV park office to register.  They are very much appreciated by the park owners.  Have also given them to the Wal*Mart managers when we have spent the night.
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