RV Parks near Washington D. C.?

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New member
Dec 21, 2006
My husband and I are planning to camp near Washington D. C. and wondered if anyone has stayed at the Cherry Hill RV Park in Maryland or at some other park near there and what the experience was like.  The $55/night fee is a little steep, and we wondered if it was worth it or if there was another "gem" of a campground nearby.

Cherry Hill is great.  The bus picks you up n the park and carries you to the Metro, 65cents each way.   
We stayed at Cherry Hill for two nights this summer and it was very nice.  Definitely would recommend it.  There aren't a whole lot of campgrounds around there so it's good that one of the most convenient is also very nice.

We spent several days at Cherry Hill. I think there are three sections. If I remember correctly the one to stay away from is way in the back. That price certainly isn't high for that area. We pay $50/night when visiting our son and his family in Stafford, VA, 40 miles south of D.C.! The nice thing about Cherry Hill is the Metro station is about a mile away. Now this is the ONLY way to see D.C. It's safer on that train than anywhere else in the city. No food or drink is allowed and radios MUST have a headset attached. I think there are more police on the Metro than on the city streets. I've never felt uncomfortable and I spent 14 weeks there one year, not all at the same time. The only drawback to the Metro is the last train used to leave around 11:00pm. Different routes might have different times.
we stayed at cherry hill.  not a bad campsight, just not what i desired.  I suggest using a local tourist guide.  the metro is nice and clean but the guide will give you all of the good info and where to best visit. (forgot his name but he was a riot) I think they can give you the info at the front desk.
As stated above it isn't a bad price for the area.  Check their site you will see they give a 10% discount to several organizations.  Not much but it helps.
Wife and I stayed at Lake Fairfax Park (part of the Fairfax County Park system).  about 23 miles west of downtown DC.  Short commute to the Nutley Metro Station if you don't want to drive all the way into DC.  Nice sites.  Water and 30amp svc.  Water Park from Memorial day to Labor day.  $29.00/nite.  Camp store was limited in what it carried but Major Grocery store within 10 minutes of the park.


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