rv repair on Vancouver Island BC

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Howard Kelly

Well-known member
Apr 22, 2010
Has any Vancouver Island members used Mcphee Rv services in Courtney BC, I have discouvered a  water leak that has rotted some wood and delaying the trip south till it gets fixed. They will bump me to the head of the repair line. Taking it in on Monday...sounds to good to be true so wondering if I could get a recommendation from someone.
Hi, Howard.... my reply probably will not help you at all but I thought I will hive you my thoughts.

  I am an ex BC resident and have seen most of the Province. I even have family in Victoria and Parksville.

  I believe that Vancouver Island is not a heavily traveled RV mecca. Victoria is a fairly large city..all the others are mostly resembling small/medium towns.  Repair garages are normally of modest size.

  Of course they are all looking for work and will try to help you out. For somewhat serious work, as you listed, you may have to settle for an emergency minor repair only. I'll bet that is the way it is in Prince Rupert as well.
  Perhaps someone else has a happier answer for you. You might get lucky to find a good one; I hope so.

  Carson..ex Vancouver, Richmond, Burnaby, New Westminster, Fort St.James et al.

Comox being my home town, I have heard of them, and can say I have not heard anything bad.

As you know there are hundreds of RV's in the valley and word would spread pretty fast.

It's a tough call, Howard.  Are you willing to trade the 'unknown' there in Courtenay for the unknown in the South?  Certainly if you start asking him for references, there's a good chance you'll be bumped off the front of the line.

Not knowing how serious the damage is, It looks like you have to make that decision for yourself, but at least if you get it done in Courtenay you will have another opportunity to see them if it is not right, when you come home next spring.

Like Carson says.  I would trust them if it was me. If they are the only dealer on the Island, it is possible that they are very good at what they do.

Whichever you choose, good luck and happy travels down south.

Gord (fellow Canuckian in the Shuswap)
I looked a a few RV there when I visited my daughter in Comox but have no experience with their service. Sorry!!
Thanks for the replys, I bought my unit from another company in the area, but they are booked till the 13 Nov.  at the earliest. Checked with the adjuster and he said they were both good  ( what else could he say )
Mcphees said they have 3 units that they can delay as they are going into storage when completed.
So I will take it to them on Monday .. Plus it hardly rains in Arazona .. right ???  :)

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