SE Spring Rally Under way

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Gary RV_Wizard

Site Team
Feb 2, 2005
West Palm Beach, FL
Most everybody has gathered at the Georgia Veterans Park and the good times are underway.  We had a rousing happy hour Wednesday - actually it was SEVERAL hours and we all got VERY happy! [VBG]  We finished up with late dinner at a Mexican restaurant and by the time we got back to the campground all were ready for bed.

Today (Thursday) we are expecting Ian & Doreen Hall  to arrive to join our happy crew. The Halls are from the UK and are touring the US in their new Revolution, so this will be their first Roaming Friends-RV Forum rally.

Most of us are grouped along the lakeshore in the vicinity of site #7.  One unusual aspect of this gathering: trailers outnumber motorhomes for a change!
Today started out cold (50's) but eventually warmed up around 4 pm for social hour.  Ian & Doreen arrived and met everyone, a splendid addition to our usual crew that brightened up the conversation considerably.  Dave Reavis & Joe Myers bought ribs and Brunswick stew from a little joint on the back streets of Cordele, providing us all with a wonderful dinner.  Earlier in the day the guys went out and bought some firewood so we could have the traditional even campfire, which all enjoyed depsite a late night chill.

A big breakfast, cooked by the men, is on the agenda for Friday brunch.  Some folks may take a train ride which leaves right from the park and visits places like Americus and Plains (Jimmy Carter family home). I think I'll nap instead...
Don't forget to have someone snap some pics and upload them here Gary! Thanks.
Hi Gary,

Sounds like a typical SE rally. ;D Sorry we're missing it. We hope to make the fall rally if it's in early November. Still don't know when our son will get his ship in October.

Just like to say a big thanks to Gary and everyone at the rally for making Doreen and myself so welcome
The setting was great as was the company also the food was first class
If my plans work out we will be back again next year
Once again thanks
Ian H said:
Just like to say a big thanks to Gary and everyone at the rally for making Doreen and myself so welcome
The setting was great as was the company also the food was first class
If my plans work out we will be back again next year
Once again thanks

Hope you do make it as we hope to be there also. :)

>I haven't got the camera out of the bag but Jeannine & Joel have snapped some pics. Hope they post some.


Thank you again, it was great as usual.

Yes, I snapped some pictures and will post as soon as I find the round tuit.

Ian & Doreen...
We are really glad you two came to the rally - new faces always add a bit of spark to a gethering and you & Doreen added a lot more than a mere spark. We really enjoyed your company and are hoping to see you again next spring.
Still waiting to see the rally photos  ???


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Likely I won't make either the Spring SE rally nor the Moab rally next year.? We will be in Fla in Mar-Apr though Gary.

Post some pics!!
Who's that fat guy watching the dulcimers?  You'd think he could at least crack a smile!  ;)

Smoky: The 2006 Spring Rally will be the last week in April, just in time for your exit from Florida.  I have a location near Augusta, GA in mind.

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