seriously considering converting shower to storage...

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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2011
> has anyone ever done this?  pros or cons?
> we only use the shower for shoving stuff and dirty laundry.  it is fairly large compared to the ones in the rentals we had before that we also never used.  (well, I used it maybe twice). I don't shower often, nor do the kids, and hubby would rather use camp showers.  we do not boondock, and I don't know if or when we would.
> the primary complaint right now is visible storage.  I think we are all guilty of overpacking because we can't see or find what we have.  we are not over the towing weight, but I sincerely think better storage would improve our social interactions in the tiny space!
> as I type this, my feet are propped up on duffle bags of clothes on the floor under table, there are baskets of breakfast food and sandwich bread on the table, and the shower is stacked with laundry baskets of dirty laundry, rugs, and school supplies (which topple when we drive, so I am constantly rearranging and bracing things).
> we will be renting a house for a month in Calgary before we head out in the RV again, so I would like to try to do some improvements, if possible. 
> thanks,
> --janis
We use our shower much the same, although I use it for showering often enough that I would miss it (and so would those around me :) ).  If your storage needs are that great, perhaps you might want to consider towing a small box trailer or adding a hitch mounted cargo box.
Stick some easily removable storage racks or containers in the shower and give it a try. One thing that might work for you are stackable drawer units, maybe something like this:

They are inexpensive, you can add as many as you like and the drawers make for easy access while keeping things neat. I see these in 3 or 4 drawer sets, or individual units as in the link above.
Gary RV Roamer said:
Stick some easily removable storage racks or containers in the shower and give it a try. One thing that might work for you are stackable drawer units, maybe something like this:

They are inexpensive, you can add as many as you like and the drawers make for easy access while keeping things neat. I see these in 3 or 4 drawer sets, or individual units as in the link above.


I did exactly that. The kids clothes and the laundry all 'belong' in the shower in their proper drawer. If one of us wants to use the shower I can move those drawers onto the rear bed and make it available. We normally use the campsite provided showers.
Nothing gets stored in our shower because we use it almost every day.  That's one of the reasons we have an RV - so we have our own toilet and shower and don't need to use the ones in campgrounds!  Many years ago in a Class C we stored our lawn chairs in the shower but now have ones that are designed better and fit in an underbay.

I wouldn't even consider buying an RV without a shower so I think it would be a mistake in terms of resale.  Maybe instead you need to reconsider what you carry and rearrange how you carry it.  Also, stop at laundromats more often so you don't have duffle bags full of dirty clothes.

I appreciate the comments.  we are in a 25' travel trailer with no slides.  it has 2 bunks and a fold-down queen bed/couch (I found bins that fit perfectly in the space under the couch' which hold craft/school supplies and ready-to-eat food).  under dinette storage is too complicated, so it is being used inefficiently now, but holds things like towels, tools, rugs.  there is a nice cabinet by the bunks, which needs to hold more than  it does.  the two older kids filled it. with junk instead of clothes.  it does not go all the way to the ceiling, so that will be mod#1, if I can figure out how to do it without real tools!  we also have the bed of the truck, which currently holds a generator and a few bins of things we will use when we get to our destination.

- the plastic drawers won't fit in the tub.  (it is a deep tub). or, at least any plastic drawers that would significantly help wouldn't fit!
- the duffel bags contain clean clothes - dirty laundry is in a laundry basket in the tub, but I can't stack it veto ally while we are driving.  it is the wasted vertical space that is frustrating me.

the real problem is convincing the kids they need to put their stuff away, or they will never be able to find it!  add to that the problem of constantly rearranging ... we are on an unusually long trip right now, and we cannot fix the problems we are having, but the kids are getting on my nerves with constant whining about the space problem.  I don't see this as a permanent problem because if we are staying in one place long enough, we could effectively rearrange.

thanks again!
ArdraF said:
Nothing gets stored in our shower because we use it almost every day.  That's one of the reasons we have an RV - so we have our own toilet and shower and don't need to use the ones in campgrounds! 

Ardra, boy, am I with you on this one.  Since I've been married to a Brazilian, I've become accustomed to taking a minimum of two showers a day (I take up to 5 or 6 when in Brazil), and our trailer has a 3/4 size bathtub.  Don't take baths very often, but the extra room is nice when we decide to shower together.  Remember the 60's?  When I get up in the morning, first thing I do is start the coffee and get right int the shower.  I can't imagine using the campground showers.  Many places I've stayed don't have them anyway.
I have considered removing the top bunk and putting in a closet rod.  The grandchildren are getting too old to travel with us much anymore.
Granted it's only the DW and myself, but we would never consider using the shower area as storage. We often camp at campgrounds with no sewer hook-ups, but still use the camper shower most of the time. I never really like using the campground showers being as you never know what was done in the shower before you use it. I'd rather take the blue tank and drain the grey tank daily then use most campground showers.
Wendy said:
You got it. Also Darling Wife, Damned Wife, depending on the moment.

OK, my next guess was it was going to be some kind of car, like a DW instead of a VW.  My wife expects me to shower at least twice a day (more in tropical climates), be clean shaven and wear nice clothes that aren't wrinkled.  She even irons her underwear.  If I don't put something away immediately after using it, I'm in serious trouble.  If my feet smell, I get evicted.
I'm sure you could also stick in some German or Portuguese words that start with "D". Just be aware that DH is Darling or Damn or Darn or Demanding Husband. So careful what "D" word you use :)

Ok, here's my solution to some storage issues.  We are fortunate enough to have a large sliding door wardrobe that holds everything but clothing.  There is a rod across the top like in a normal closet.  Instead of attaching hangers, etc (which I fall off the rod when moving) I use one of these which I bought at Ikea.  This is my linen closet.  This has has 5 "shelves" or compartments and I use one for a set of extra sheets, one for beach towels, one for regular towels, one for hand and face cloths - you get the picture.  Depending on your shower area, you could get one or two of these (depending on the room you have) and put a tension spring rod from wall to wall in the shower up high and hang this on it (or install a rod that is more permanent if you can) - it would make use of verticle space and could hold clothing, etc.  I bought two more similar and plan to put them in the long, skinny closets in the bedroom area which are about a foot wide with a rod at the top.  I don't hang cloths in the RV anyway and this would give me one shelf for undies, one for t-shirts, one for jeans, etc.  The possibilities are endless and Ikea has tons of this type of thing and they are pretty cheap.  Also, something like this might help keep the dirty laundry in a more compact space.  I know laundry is a pain and hard to store - I end up folding it and putting it in large trash bags to go to the laundromat but there are only 2 of us which makes it much easier than with kids who go through tons of laundry.  I agree with some of the others, I need my shower and could not live without it - hate to use campground showers.  Good luck with the small area storage dilemma!
ok, ok, ok.  I understand the message. :)
I found a laundry hamper and some other storag bins which have made the current voyage much less cumbersome.  we clearly need a bigger RV, but we are making do for now.  nobody has shown any interest in using the RV shower, though ...
When we had our TT I converted the tub/shower into storage. I cut a piece of 0.25" white plastic sheet to fit on the top ledge of the tub. Then I purchased shelving from home Depot (the type with tubular legs that fit into each other) there was enough room to fit three shelves and one for the top. I was able to put two plastic storage bins on each shelf held in place with bungee cords. on the top I had an additional 6" of storage.
On a little sidepoint... not a thread drift.

  Jack Russels... There was a case here in Florida last week where a Sheriff deputy shot and killed a little feller.

  He, the deputy, approached the home with 2 Russels. One was a wimp, the other a warrior. The warrior broke thru the screen door and tried to have lunch on the Deputy's  leg. Bang.

What can I say.  :( :'(

Carson FL

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