Sewer hose (Again...)

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Jeff Brown

Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
So Cal
Okay so the sewer hose has been discussed a great deal and I went through 3 pages of search results and didn?t find an answer to my question.

It's time to replace my sewer hose, at some of the private campgrounds I've used lately I've noticed that the at site sewer connection is not the standard 3" down pipe but something smaller that my Camco elbow fitting doesn?t go into very nicely.  Is there a new smaller standard in hose connections?  What does everyone else do?  Since as I said before I need a new hose anyway is there a recommended hose with a smaller elbow fitting for the end?

I have the Camco 3 stage end on my sewer hose and it is still too big?  Unless that 3 stage is smaller, I'll take a trip to Camping world and see.

It may be that you simply have to stuff the end of your hose elbow fitting down the sewer inlet and rely on a friction fit.    No real harm in that tho you should have someone hold it down with a foot when you dump the tanks lest the recoil of the rush of wastewater kick the fitting out.
We spent this weekend at one of those private campgrounds with the small dump holes.  A trip to the camp store and I found that they sell smaller hose ends, turns out they sell a lot of them for 12 bucks each.  I bought one, problem solved.

Are you suggesting they installed non-standard sewer connections in order to sell the adapters? If so, instead of buying one, I would have left and complained loudly on the web...

I'm with you Frank.

Unless they had some municipal requirement they had to meet by restricting the opening, I would have argued that they needed to supply the adapter for free to meet standard RV equipment specifications if a regular adapter was insufficient.
I don't think I've ever gotten my sewer hose end (or 3-stage threaded adapter which I also have) to fit into a dump hole perfectly ... I either rely on friction, put my foot or something else heavy (a brick or rock) to keep it securely in place during the "flow" of activity.  Every campground dump site is different.
Joe, I use one similar to yours.  One problem, some parks require a rubber ring so I carry a couple of those.

Joezeppy said:
I use one similar to this. If the threads won't fit, the strait part should, hopefully.

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