Should I use a converter or battery charger ?

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Jul 10, 2018
I an converting a van to an RV using a Ford Transit. I have batteries that go to an inverter to get AC power from the batteries. DC power is OK. I have a battery charger I use when hooking up to AC power. My question is should I use a battery charger or an AC to DC converter when I use a generator?  Does it make a difference which is used ? AC hookup can charge the batteries overnight quietly, but the generator can only run for a short time. Does the converter charge the batteries faster than the battery charger ??
Modern 3-stage RV Power converters make a standard battery charger look like a hunk of junk. even a Smart charger may well pale in face of a good 3-stage converter like the progressive dynamics 9200.

Many smart charger are capable of Bulk.Absorption.Float.  in that order

The 9200 can go Bulk.Absorption. Bulk. Absorption. Float.Bulk. Absorption... IN short it can SWITCH BACK if there is a sudden increase in the draw on the batteries.  AUTOMATICALLY.

Same is true of most all multi-stage converters.. (Not all but most all).
Battery charger (specially the newer smart ones) would be better and much faster then charging from the generator 12 volt outlet.  Before I got a smart charger (Charge Wizard) I ran my charger power cord through a mechanical 12 timer so I did not have to worry about overcharging when plugged in to shore power.
A battery charger and converter do the same job.  John explained the advantages of a converter.  In addition, the converter will automatically charge the batteries any time AC power is available, with no input from you.  A separate charger would need connected, plugged in, turned on when it was needed. 

Go with the converter!

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