Silverleaf VMSpc

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Tom said:
blueblood said:
Is the connector the same as the one I've attached here ???

One and the same, at least for the Cummins Motorhome engine.

Ok, that was the standard on all Freightliner productsincluding trucks; it may have been changed in recent times. That plug means the data bus on the chassis is to J1587 std , which limits the information that can be dispayed by the VMS unless things have changed in the years since i was involved. Newer vehicles have a J1939 bus which provides more capacity. Some one will undoubtedly check me out on this and since I have not stayed current I might be wrong. 
Newer vehicles have a J1939 bus which provides more capacity

Didn't realize there were two different bus standards. Our coach is less than two years old, but I'll try to find out which one we have.
Alaskansnowbirds said:
John In Detroit said:
I'd love to have a full blown diagnostic monitor on that Ford V-10


The Silverleaf VMSpc is for diesel engines only. I'm not sure, but I don't think they market one for a gas engine.

Thanks, I do know there is some type of system that allows a PC to monitor a Ford engine, I just don't know what it is (An "old friend" had one back when I knew him but alas... We have lost touch)
The mod I was waiting for in 2.2 is the torque/HP gauges (the current Load-throttle position paramenter was just about useless).

Are the numbers making sense?
Jeff /Washington said:
The mod I was waiting for in 2.2 is the torque/HP gauges (the current Load-throttle position paramenter was just about useless).

Are the numbers making sense?

They do now that I selected the right engine :)  The rolling MPG works much better now too.
I was wondering if Tom viewed the readings through the PC as his opening message referred to boxes of Silverleaf units in his garage.  ??
Hi Tom!

Did I misunderstand your opening sentence?

"I had a couple of new Silverleaf units still in their original boxes in my garage. "

Sounded like you had the stand alone units rather than software.
Smoky said:
Hi Tom!

Did I misunderstand your opening sentence?

"I had a couple of new Silverleaf units still in their original boxes in my garage. "

Sounded like you had the stand alone units rather than software.


The well equipped RVer has both. (Especially if you saved all that money on a Gentruri.) ;D ;D
Smoky said:
Did I misunderstand your opening sentence?

Yes and no. The Silverleaf units I was referring to are two of the interface boxes (see photo) that take the information from your engine computer (via the diagnostic connector) and convert it into something the laptop can input to the VMSpc software (on the laptop). That's why I said:

Tom said:
after installing the VMSpc software on my notebook, I got to use the system for the first time

If I had one of the stand-alone units that Terry, Phil and others have, the software is in the unit and the unit has its own screen that Terry showed us a photo of, and I wouldn't need the laptop.


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