single women

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Aug 26, 2006
Does anyone have experience as a single woman rving?  How do you handle breeakdowns, repairs, safety, etc?
There are several ways of handling it.? First off, don't think being female will set you to a disadvantage, many of the repairs on the Big Rigs are beyond the abilities of men as well.? Them tires are HEAVY when you have to replace them.? Many folks carry AAA for their RVs, which is nice because if you need a tow, AAA knows who to call with a big enough truck to pick up a big rig.

But AAA costs money, which I don't have a steady supply of (student,) so my insurance policy is a Class C RV built on a Toyota Chassis.? No matter where I go I'm within a 15 minute drive of a place that can fix my truck and has the parts.? Class Cs are good that way because most times you can take it to an automotive dealership (in my case the Toyota dealership) and they will most likely be willing to work on it.

You have a great advantage working to your favor: You're single, use it to your benefit :D
I've stopped to change many a lady's tire on the side of the road.

As far as security goes, just about everyone seems to favor the dog.  They're great companions and love road trips and their territorial nature makes them a great security system.
There are some single woman RVers here and they should be replying to you soon.  For breakdowns and repairs, get a road service.  CoachNet is one of the best.  If you have a problem or a breakdown, a single phone call will get you to the service you need, or the service will come to you if needed.  Well worth the ~$99/year that it costs.

The basic rule of safety on the road is "if it doesn't feel comfortable where you are, move on".  That's the big advantage of an RV, if you don't like the neighborhood, you can move.
I am a single woman RVer.  First, I bought a very used but reliable coach; then I make sure to keep it maintained so that I am less likely to break down; next I read all of my manuals and learned how to do very basic stuff (like change a fuse); then I put together a small toolbox that I carry with me always (I made up my toolbox from a list that I found on this forum); last...I read forums constantly to learn more about how to trouble shoot problems on my rig. Oh yes, like Ned mentioned, I purchased a good road side service plan.
I am pretty new at this, but so far, everything has worked out just great.  I lost all power while boondocking over labor day and was able to find the source of the problem and fix it pretty quickly.  I never boondock alone, and actually discussed the issue with several of my neighbors before I found the solution.  People are very helpful, especially when they see you outside staring at your rig and scratching your head in confusion!  They will come right over to see what the problem is.
Backing into really tight spaces can also be another challenge.  One space that I had to squeeze into over the summer had a big palm tree right in the middle of the campsite at the entrance.  I was backing my 32' Class A into it from a very small camp road that did not give me much wiggle room.  All of my neighbors ended up coming out to help, and after much pulling forward, turning, and inching back, I was finally in.  Like I said, folks are pretty eager to help when they see you are in a jam.
Hope this was helpful too. Have fun!!
Thanks for all the info. If people on the road are like this forum, it sounds like a great way to go!
My biggest advice for you is to play it safe.  Keep a prepaid and charged cellular phone handy.  Make sure that the insurance policy you select covers roadside assistance and take it to a mechanic regularly (especially before you start for a trip).  I've found that most campsites I stay at have free Wi-Fi internet so a laptop is a good investment as well.  When I bought my Class A, I had no manuals what-so-ever and was easily able to find everything I needed to know on the internet.  TigerDirect.Com sells decent laptops at a decent price.

Secondly, use common sense when stopping.  Keep your cell phone in your pocket while gassing up and always stay in lighted areas.  If you decide to use the facilities at a pumping station, lock the doors.  Good advice for anyone. 

For protection, I went with a two fold approach.  I take my dog with me and I also have a pistol.  This isn't for people necessarily, but you never know when camping when you will run across wildlife, living in Colorado we have mountain lions/bears/rattlesnakes...  Make sure it's LOUD!!!  Whistles are also a good idea.  I outfitted my rig with an amplified car alarm and when it goes off it sure is loud!  I've only had to use it once when a black bear decided that my rig was in his territory and simply sounding the alarm sent him a-runnin!

Be safe, be smart, and enjoy!!!
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Eric and Levi
(Levi's the Dog)

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