Siren Marine ?

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2012
Holland, Michigan
Is anyone else using Siren Marine in their motorhome?

So, in my previous life I was more accustom to working with and on boats.  I have found that many issues are the same.  So it makes sense that some solutions are usable in both settings.

Given that we have decided to store our Motorhome in southern Florida, 1500 miles from home, I had some concerns about security, monitoring temps and other conditions .

I am trying a product by Siren marine.  In short, the unit is set up to tell me what I need to know to feel  a little more secure.  There are many modules that can be added (though I hope to never need the bilge water monitor in the Motorhome...) I can check on my cell phone and monitor various systems and by setting parameters I will be notified of any significant changes.  It is set up to monitor temperature, battery charge and usage, location, and door usage.  There is even a small  discount on insurance because the geo fence (anchor drag) functions are a motion detector  (If the motorhome is moved more than 10', I get  a message telling me it moved and the location using google map).

I was wondering if anyone else uses the Siren Marine or similar product. for peace of mind / security?
So what will you do from 1500 miles away if it alerts you?
While it may fall into the "gizmo" category (nothing wrong with that) I think there are several applications for such a device. There are already some similar products for RVs, but they're pretty piecemeal. You can monitor your RV's movements, it's interior temp, and you can remotely start your generator and monitor your batteries and charging status. High end motorhomes have similar options, but to my knowledge, there's no single aftermarket product that can do all those things. I think the issue would be interfacing with existing "dumb" systems. Lots of variables and labor. I'd like to have it though.

So what will you do from 1500 miles away if it alerts you?

depends...if it is moving down the road, or the door has been opened, call the police in Fla.

if the temp is too high or the power use is out of line, call the manager of the storage
facility (maybe someone tripped over our power cord..), or if need be, a service tech.
They are flooded cell batteries and are connected, and charge maintained by shore power.  Since we are new to storing in warm climes, I took the advice of those more experienced than I on such matters and have the AC set for 80.

That is part of why I have the shore power and batteries monitored.
I think what others are saying is,, there are many "holes" in the system, and nothing beats a pair of eyes periodically.>>>Dan
Being that far away it's not a bad idea. You would have to get a cell phone or MiFi unit and there would be a monthly cost for that. If you're in a secure storage facility it's not likely to be stolen, but a disconnected shore cable is possible. It did happen on our boat and the ice in the refig melted damaging the wood floor.

My 4 stage battery charger is on all the time while in storage and keeps the  wet cell batts up to snuff without damaging them. I did add a small amount of mineral oil to each cell. I haven't had to add water in several months.
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