Sleeping with Generator running?

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New member
Sep 1, 2018
Something I've had a hard time finding opinions on is how loud/annoying is running the built in generator in a travel trailer? The toy hauler I'm looking at, like most TTs, has the generator located right under the bedroom at the front. Being a light sleeper I'm afraid that running a gas Onan like a 4000 or 5500 is going to be too loud when needing it on for A/C.

With the AC running inside the motorhome, I don't really notice generator noise. My neighbors might have a different viewpoint.
I would imagine anyone elses opinion would be a moot point. For some people, any noise from the genny would be extremely annoying, and to others, it would be like "white noise", and actually help them sleep. Differences in generators and the location of the generator will make a lot of difference too. The only thing to do is to try your genny in your RV and see how it goes.
kdbgoat has it right.  Very much an individual perception.
I like the "white noise" and sleep very well with the genny running.  If there is no shore power hookup and I need ac for something, I run the genny - unless there are park rules against it.  I use a DIY "genturi" as well - helps put some of the noiseand the exhaust up and away from ground level - less bothersome to neighbors.
If noise bothers you while sleeping, you are probably not going to like it.  I think most folks adapt to noise over a bit of time.
I'm not sure I've ever stayed in a campground where it was okay to run the generator all night.  I know for sure that every campground I've worked at has had quiet hours...and that included even the "quiet" generators.
Gary RV_Wizard said:
Will your neighbors be annoyed? Maybe even enough to sabotage or file complaints with the site management?

Agree with this and why most campgrounds, even primitive CG's have allocated certain hours for generator operation which definitely does not include overnight and some commercial CG's do not allow generators at all.  In those cases where the rules do not specify use of generators, IMHO it is poor etiquette to run a generator early AM or in the evening, simply not considerate of other campers.  Exception might be boondocking where there is no one else around or close enough to be disturbed.
KyleB said:
Something I've had a hard time finding opinions on is how loud/annoying is running the built in generator in a travel trailer? The toy hauler I'm looking at, like most TTs, has the generator located right under the bedroom at the front. Being a light sleeper I'm afraid that running a gas Onan like a 4000 or 5500 is going to be too loud when needing it on for A/C.


I'd be more concerned that the fumes might keep us sleeping until we're buried.  Make sure it's properly vented.
Old_Crow said:
I'm not sure I've ever stayed in a campground where it was okay to run the generator all night.  I know for sure that every campground I've worked at has had quiet hours...and that included even the "quiet" generators.

Generators can be run all night in rest areas, truck stops and at most Walmart and Sam's Club parking lots.
Thank you everyone! After these responses, watching YouTube videos and hearing an Onan run during the day I'm thinking I'm going to skip having one put in my TT. I will pick up the Yamaha inverter and plug into that. Parking is usually pretty tight at race events and even if the Onan didn't drive me crazy it would piss off the people around me.
I think you will regret not getting the built in genny. You can still haul a portable along if you like, but being able to just push a button instead of having to drag out a portable, run extension cords, and carry along five gallon fuel containers is priceless to me. That was always one of my beefs with TTs and 5ers, is that they seldom if ever come with a built in genny. Most toy haulers have one. All class As have them, most class Cs. If the A\C is on, the noise of the genny over the air conditioner is not a ton louder. You get used to the drone of it. Putting a portable 20 ft away wont be much quieter. It will need to run pretty much wide open to run an AC unit. Keep in mind, that means its 20 ft closer to your neighbor. My previous class A had a problem with the generator, and I used a portable for a while until I got the main one replaced. I will say, I was sure glad to have the on board, push the button generator back.
Like others said, the a/c usually covers the sound.  What's annoying is when the generator stops in the middle of the night.  :-\
All generators are NOT equal. Some are very quiet, and some are very noisy, even those in the same brand. The 5500 onan in my coach is enclosed and is very quiet, don't even hear it inside the coach. The onan that was in my Daybreak was just the opposite, it was a very noisy burger.  The generac in my Challenger was very quiet too, and was in the front of the coach, so I didn't hear it inside. I have found that the direct drive models are the noisy ones as the run at 3600 rpm, and some of the noise is from the harmonics, not just muffler noise. I put a resonator on my Daybreak but the noise was still there, not as bad, but still there. IF you're planning on running a generator a lot, get a venturi to get the gasses up and a way, most race tracks I've been to require them if you run a generator.
Aside from the night-time generator usage issue, I'm with Muskoka Guy in thinking you'll regret not getting the built-in generator.  We use it so many times during the day, such as stopping for lunch and wanting to heat something.  To my way of thinking, one of the failures of trailer manufacturers is not including generators in their products.  Of course, they're trying to keep costs down which I understand, but they're not thinking about what makes RVing a pleasurable experience.  Even being able to run the air conditioner during that lunch stop is nice.  Also think about resale.  A potential purchaser might pass it up because he can find a comparable model that has one.


KyleB said:
Thank you everyone! After these responses, watching YouTube videos and hearing an Onan run during the day I'm thinking I'm going to skip having one put in my TT. I will pick up the Yamaha inverter and plug into that. Parking is usually pretty tight at race events and even if the Onan didn't drive me crazy it would piss off the people around me.

Having that on-board generator will make your trips a lot easier & more enjoyable, plus it'll be a lot easier to sell the trailer when you're ready to upgrade!  And its a LOT easier for that Yamaha portable to grow legs & walk away when you're not paying attention one evening :'(

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