I did that with the MH too, worked great till I put some other stuff in the towed, and moved the compressor to the Hitch Hauler (Tm) cargo carrier located atop the hitch gear on the MH (over, and in front of the towed) even then it worked well till the tow bar broke... Towed came forward, hit Hitch-Hauler, broke it, dropped Air compressor and a portable generator and... Well, it was not a pertty sight (Never did find all of the compressor, can't find the Generator now either (I know I put it back inside the towed... must have taken it out Sunday to go to church and forgot to put it back, in which case it's sitting in Oakalama City, oh well, was well smashed so it may be for the best)
I now have a much smaller Sears compressor, 150 lbs, pancake shape tank, works great, used it a time or two already as one of the tires on the towed got "nailed" while I was traveling.