Solar Panel questions

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Frank B

Well-known member
Apr 23, 2005
Calgary, Alberta
Do solar panels wear out?  I understand that their efficienty goes down with time.  Are we talking monts, days, decades, or centuries?

We don't need an inverter as we take no electrical appliances with us.  Is it possible to get just a pair of solar panels and the charge regulator?  What is involved in installing them?  How do they attach to the roof?  Where would one ordinarily run the wiring.  Is this something that should be done professionally?  Is it necessary to keep them clean?  We live in dusty Alberta.


To address some of the questions:

Wear out, takes a while, I do not know how long but it takes a while, I know a numer of solar powered radio relays up in space have been there 10 years or more and still beep on cue.

Can you get a panel w/charge regulator and no inverter  yes, no problem, I strongly suspect that is how they are sold

Where: Camping World, Your local RV dealer, do an internet search,  One company that makes them is less than 10 miles from me in Livonia, Michigan, but I don't know who their dealers are (They make a unique flexable product)

The wireing is run down inside the wall, between the inner and outer wall, like much of the other wireing on a trailer

Can you do it or should you hire a pro?  Good question, one I can not answer as I do not know your skill set.  I have all the skills necessary, I am a certified electrnoics technician with an engineering background.  I would hire a professional.. Why? well, for one big panels are HEAVY and I'm not as strong as I was 30 years ago, Another reason is they have a better tool box, yet another reason is if something goes wrong, (Example, roof leaks) I know who to blame, and it's not the man in the mirror (Me) but rather the man at the dealer.  I can't begin to describe how much I know about roofing but I can describe my desier to practice the fine art of roofing... NON EXISTANT!  Thus I let pros poke holes there.

>yet another reason is if something goes wrong, (Example, roof leaks) I know who to blame, and it's not the man in the mirror (Me) but rather the man at the dealer.<

I am leaning that way for the same sorts of reasons.  I don't consider myself 'old' yet, but I no longer have any desire to crawl over and under machines to work on them.

Thanks for the tips.


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