Spike strips

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2018
Rochester, NY
I feel like life threw down spike strips on my road of life a month before we were supposed to leave. We are scheduled to leave Wednesday. Within the last month the dr found pre cancerous junk and I need surgery as soon as we return home, I had a whole separate cancer scare that turned out to be basically nothing, I had chicken pox (which I had already had a bad case of as a child), and then yesterday morning I was bit by a cat.  Ughhhhhh. I went to the doctor this morning, he put me on meds that he promised would make me sick for the next 3 days AND there's only a 50/50 chance that the meds will work. If they don't work, I need to go to the hospital for IV antibiotics. I don't have time for this nonsense!!!
We know how that feels.
We had two years worth of health delays after we bought our 'Dancer.
Hope you don't have to delay your trip.

Yes!  And all fingers are crossed too.  You're a positive thinker so we know all will be well.

In my grandmother's infamous words:  if it's not ants, it's grasshoppers.

Bummer!  Just to add stress (and a lot of entries to your blog).  Hope the meds do their thing and you're too tough to let them make you feel crummy.  Looking forward to seeing you around Mammoth Cave right on schedule.

It will all work out Amanda, it's a big week coming, oh well if you start 1 or 2 days late for the year.  You only have 50 million things to worry about, oh ya, and still mother 6 kids.  One day at a time, prayers for your adventure.
I might have said this before on here, I say it all the time: if things go too smoothly around here, God calls all the angels over, points down to me, giggles, and says, watch this....

Lol but so far, knock on wood, I feel fine. My daughter turns 19 tomorrow and then we're having a big going away party on Saturday, so if I was as sick as he promised I would be, it would have really made those less enjoyable. But so far so good!

And we are leaving Wednesday whether I have to make a bathroom stop every 17 minutes or not! ?
Thank you everyone. The meds are not making me too sick, I have a tiny bit of stomach queasiness, but barely. I already see an improvement in my arm. The swelling has gone way way down along with the redness and pain level.
The cat is "mine" but not really. We call him ours, he is a neighbor's cat but they abuse him and we allow him in our house. We feed him and he's part of the family. I don't do his vet care because he doesn't belong to us. I assume he is vaccinated, but I'm really not sure. I think I'm only being treated for the bite infection and muscle trauma because the dr said the Health Department would contact me to let me know if I need any more treatment.
Amanda, I sympathize with you.Something like that cat bite can really ruin your day, At least, it didn't happen while you were on the road. Two years ago, one of our cats bit my wife while we were camped about 1500 miles from home, in Big Cypress National Preserve. The nearest emergency room was in Naples, about 50 miles away. Her hand was so badly swollen, that it required three trips. Worse, the side effects of the antibiotic  really had her down.

Great Horned Owl said:
Amanda, I sympathize with you.Something like that cat bite can really ruin your day, At least, it didn't happen while you were on the road. Two years ago, one of our cats bit my wife while we were camped about 1500 miles from home, in Big Cypress National Preserve. The nearest emergency room was in Naples, about 50 miles away. Her hand was so badly swollen, that it required three trips. Worse, the side effects of the antibiotic  really had her down.


Did you bury the cat?
I believe it! I couldn't believe the swelling and pain. My muscle was in rough shape and my arm was hot and rock hard to the touch. I think he likely senses that things are chaotic at home and is anxious about it. We've been packing the whole 3,900 square foot house into the attic for storage and/or to bring with us. So not our usual. He must know something is up. He misses us when we're gone for the weekend, leaving him for 12 months is going to be tough :( although he made it a little easier to leave him by biting me lol
Isaac-1 said:
So other than the minor cat distraction, are things shaping up ok for the great departure?
For the most part. One of my renters is not 100% sure she's moving in so that's a little stressful, but the closer it gets, the less I care lol. I have another renter who will be there so I don't have to worry about things like frozen pipes or the lawn getting done or it looking empty which invites break-ins. But financially, it would be great to get this other renter in as well. She's coming over Monday and I'll probably get an answer at that point.
And I haven't used the tow dolly yet. I'm doing that for the first time Tuesday. Cutting it close, but it's hard with the RV not being close to home.
Other than that, I'm ready to roll!
Isaac-1 said:
Hopefully you have a bit of a safety cushion built into your initial schedule
Our first destination is only about 3 hours away and we'll be there for a week. I have all day Tuesday kept open in case I need to go anything last minute.

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