Stairway To Gilligan's Island

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Well-known member
Feb 25, 2012
St Cloud Florida USA
Well I finally figured out how to convert an mp4 to a video and I converted Stairway to Gilligan's Island. It is a mashup of Stairway to Heaven and the theme from Gilligan's Island. I was in a band called Sierra Express during the early 2000s and we rented a few hours studio time and recorded 7 demo songs. Unfortunately I did not rent a few more hours and do the mixing myself so the mixing sucks. The original was done by Little Roger and the Goosebumps and really pissed of Peter Grant, Led Zep's bombastic manager.
Missed this previously. Neat (hybrid) song.
It is a really neat mashup. Peter Grant, who is the bombastic manager of Led Zeppelin when absolutely nuclear over the original by Little Roger and the Goosebumps. I used to listen to it on the Doctor Demento show every Sunday during the 70s and 80s. 
What a riot - I'd never heard of this before - I just spent a half hour on YouTube listening to different versions.

Can't remember the title of the song but I remember the line "I'd rather have this bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy".
Lol. I gave the first thumbs up. Yeehaa
Thanx Tom, I enjoy mashups. One of my favorites is Thunderbusters.
Funny my band always joked around o stage with Stairway to Freebird!

SeilerBird said:
Well I finally figured out how to convert an mp4 to a video and I converted Stairway to Gilligan's Island. It is a mashup of Stairway to Heaven and the theme from Gilligan's Island. I was in a band called Sierra Express during the early 2000s and we rented a few hours studio time and recorded 7 demo songs. Unfortunately I did not rent a few more hours and do the mixing myself so the mixing sucks. The original was done by Little Roger and the Goosebumps and really pissed of Peter Grant, Led Zep's bombastic manager.
My last band learned Freebird so that when some drunk yelled "Freebird" we could actually play it. No one ever yelled "Freebird". ???

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