Starting issues

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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2018
Hello all! It has been awhile since my last post about my 95 Dolphin rv. It still will not start! I have put in a new battery and still no go. When I turn the key, I do not hear the fuel pump whine. This is leading me to think that the fuel pump relay may be bad. It wants to start but it?s not getting fuel. I will replace the relay and hope that resolves this issue! Suggestions?
Does the engine at least crank over now?  Seems from your first post it wasn't even cranking before.

If it cranks, you might get a can of carb cleaner spray and spray into the throttle body while cranking the engine.  If it tries to run on the carb spray, I'd start with a test light at the tank connection to see if the pump is getting power while someone cranks the motor over.  Should be 4 wires at the tank.  2 grounds, a wire for the sending unit(low voltage with key "on"), and a wire for the pump(full 12v while cranking).  If that's as it should be, it's the pump.  If not, then I'd look at the relay.
Might want to change those fuel filters while your at it.  They likely wouldnt completely block the flow of gas but they could restrict it quite a bit, enough so that your fuel pressure isnt enough to keep the engine fed.
I have already replaced the pump one week ago as a preventative measure. The pump was old and the gas did not have a strong order. I?m going to drain it off when I get the chance. My next step is to check the wires from the pump to the fuse box. Look for bad connections. It?s taking me so long because it?s 60 miles away at my parents house! I have used starting fluid and it will fire up until the gas burns off.
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