Stopping our dog from barking

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Rene T

Site Team
May 20, 2011
Farmington NH
We have a small Chihuahua. He's a little over 1 year old. He barks some and we're trying to train him to stop. He's no way near as bad as some smaller dogs. Most times when he see's a dog, he barks because he wants to play.
I've been thinking about getting a bark collar. Now I know that there's no way my DW would allow me to get one that gives a very little light shock but I've found that there are some that only vibrate. Does anyone have any first hand knowledge if the vibrating style actually work?
Hey Rene,
                    Well, DW and I have experience with shock collars for our 2 poodles. Hank is a standard poodle weighing in at 75 pounds and Henry our miniature poodle weighing in a mere 10 pounds. Ours and most shock collars gives a warning beep that you initiate yourself, before you initiate a shock, if necessary. Now for Henry that's all it took was the beep tone that's it and he stop barking or coming running back to us, if he got too far off and out of bounds. However, Hank on the other hand pretty near; on a few occasions, wore the batteries out shocking him. The shock not that terrifying to a dog, but enough to get their attention and that is what you are looking for.
                    I was at one time not even for shocking a dog, thought it cruel and harmful, but I knew we had to do something or lose one of if not both. I am not one for fencing or chaining up a pet, so we read up on it and decided to go for it. Wished we had done it years ago and now those two are so well behaved. No more barking, no more chasing cars and pestering passerby's.
                    The next time I call the DW I will get the brand name of what we used. (Kuwait) I do know they use a common battery AAA or AA not sure and the cost was around 50 bucks each.
Good Luck with your Chihuahua.
What worked with Toby was to put a muzzle on him whenever he barked. Leave on for a few minutes each time. Took only about a week.

My daughter used a shock collar on her Maltese and after a while all she had to do is put the collar on and her dog would stop barking.  BUT after a while the dog got smart enough to start testing the collar.  She would bark in a whisper and continually get louder until she was full on barking.  Cracked me up!  ;D 

We used a vibrating collar. It has five levels and the first level is minor and escalates from there. If the dog stops barking for 30 seconds it goes back to the lowest level of vibration. It worked for our Cavachon a 15 lb dog. Now we use it occasionally when we know he will bark, like when someone is coming to the door. He has learned how loud he can bark with out setting off the vibration. It's very low and tolerable. :)
We have a 9 month old Shi Tzu who loves to sit at the front door (full glass storm door) and watch all the goings on but she initially barked at everything that moved like a guard dog.  Did not want to take that out of her but did want to minimize it so we got into scolding her every time she barked.  Just said 'Quiet' in a sharp voice.  Eventually it has worked. She will still squirm and maybe put her nose to the door but no barks, just some grumbles.

Try keeping a spay bottle filled with water handy. Every time your dog barks spray him/her in the face with water. I've seen it work on dogs and cats that like to get on the furniture.
Oldgator73 said:
Try keeping a spay bottle filled with water handy. Every time your dog barks spray him/her in the face with water. I've seen it work on dogs and cats that like to get on the furniture.

We have been doing that for about a week. It has helped.  He knows what he's going to get when we approach him. 
Also you might try the "11 pennies of death".  The advantage is you do not need to get up nor be in the same room with Sir Barker.  It also can be use at the first bark so he associates it is the bark you object too.

Put 11 pennies into a soda (Coke) can and shake it when he barks.  At first it may require vigorously shaking can and even approach him to refocus his attention.  Once you have his attention and no bark praise him. Reward treats are up to you.  You know his effective reward for a job well done.

If the can seems effective you can make more for handy use for your common locations.

I have used a vibrating collar with a remote for obedience training.  What is required is to break the dog's train of thought; to snap them out of whatever obsession they are into.  Mine was barking, mostly at bicycles.  It didn't take long for the dog to figure out that barking brought on the vibration.  He quickly gave up.  You must be consistant of course.  I would not use a shock collar, not necessary.
Our dog Hank ignored the shock collar, and anything else. He just gets too distracted by other dogs... he too wants to play with them. The spray bottle works the best of anything Ive tried. I dont even have to squirt him anymore. He just sees me pick it up and say "quiet" and he stops barking. Hes also associated that with a regular water bottle so if hes barking and I shake a water bottle at him, he knows he needs to stop. He also barks less frequently when people or dogs walk by, and when I say "quiet" , he sometimes even stops.
I have a bark off system, mainly for thy lovely neighbors pack of dogs he leaves barking, that is the outside unit.  Purchased a handheld unit of the same system, had 12 dogs, 10 chi's, collie and  min pin.  I foster rescues.  Keeping all under control was a challenge until I got the hand held unit.  When they started barking I said no!  I did that 2 more times the fourth time when I said no and pushed the button for 1 second.  Only did that 2 times, since then when I say no they stop barking.  Haven't used it in 2 years.
We did end up buying a vibrating collar. There is NO shock involved. So far it has worked pretty good. When we take out the collar to put on him, he lays right down. He doesn't like it at all.
We purchased it on Amazon.
Oldgator73 said:
Try keeping a spay bottle filled with water handy. Every time your dog barks spray him/her in the face with water. I've seen it work on dogs and cats that like to get on the furniture.
DW uses this method on me when I'm chasing her around the coach. Doesn't work! 8)
Rene T said:
  We did end up buying a vibrating collar. There is NO shock involved. So far it has worked pretty good. When we take out the collar to put on him, he lays right down. He doesn't like it at all.  We purchased it on Amazon. 

Does it work?

I bought a Garmin BarkLimiter? Deluxe.  About $99.  It can vibrate, or shock.  Or gradually increase the level.  It tells you if the dog barked while you were gone.

A shock is a simple correction.  If the dog continues to bark in the RV park, the neighbors would want to do more...

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