Store out of state?

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2018
Hamilton Ohio
My wife and I are going to Colorado this summer, and we are planning other trips out west in the future, including California. Living in Ohio, it got me thinking. When traveling to destinations far away -- but in succession-- has anyone stored their trailer far away from home? Not that we would, necessarily, but wondering about that option in some cases.
I met a couple in a Class B who did just that. They lived in NJ, but wanted to travel in the west. They mapped out trips that began and ended near different airports. At the end of each trip they stored their rig near the destination airport. Their next trip would pick up from there and go towards another destination. Their trips would be 3-6 weeks long, and they took 3-4 a year. They left gear and most clothes inside their rig, just refilling perishables when they picked it up.
Jackiemac, one off our members, will probably chime in. She’s from Scotland and she and her significant other do it every year for 6 months
I'm sure people do, but consider you have a nice new smallerish trailer, you might enjoy going out for weekend state park getaways. If you bought it for a few extended summer trips and don't plan to see the scenery to and from, maybe a better option is to rent a RV close to destinations? Cost of renting vs cost of ownership and storage?
I'm sure people do, but consider you have a nice new smallerish trailer, you might enjoy going out for weekend state park getaways. If you bought it for a few extended summer trips and don't plan to see the scenery to and from, maybe a better option is to rent a RV close to destinations? Cost of renting vs cost of ownership and storage?
If we did it, it would only be for multiple "destination" trips in succession far away. This summer we are booked for Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Alabama, Colorado, Massachusetts, states along the way, and it would not apply. But the following summer we are aiming for Glacier National Park, Yellowstone, Zion National park, and the Grand Canyon. And there are a lot of other locations we would like to see out west. I just was wondering about splitting them up some and maybe leaving the trailer out there under those circumstances.
I would think weather in those states could complicate the plan by having to winterize the rv and loose the life of things like batteries,, tires, paint, and fabrics.. most storage that's affordable is out of doors and could also be in harsh weather..>>>Dan
I'm in Scotland as Rene says. Our Truck and Trailer are stored in a long garage that we rent in Boulder City. I'm so glad we have indoor storage because of the length of time we have been away.

The doors are checked and oiled every 6 months and the manager of the facility has been doing basic checks for us.

Luckily we winterise, disconnect batteries, add fuel stabiliser etc. before we come home. I am getting a bit twitchy now about what we will find when we eventually get back. But we just need to hope for the best. It's been 1.5 years now 😥.

I know of other international travellers that use various storage facilities. There are lots of options available but as a minimum you should have a place with good security and cameras to satisfy Insurance requirements. If stored for several months you will get a discount if you notify them.

Normally we fly into Vegas, stay one night in a hotel, then go to get Truck. We connect battery then take it for a drive to ensure it is working safely. Because of the storage space we get a local boat repairer to use his forklift to move the trailer out, we hook up and go to an RV Park. We stay for a week or two to get set up, clean TT, get any servicing or repairs done, then head out for 6 months.

We stay in RV park for at least 2 weeks at the end of trip to give us time to pack, clean, sanitise etc. We get trailer and truck back into the storage facility and get a taxi to the airport.

Works very well for us.
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Many snowbirds leave their RV's stored at their winter locations in FL, AZ, TX, etc. Some RV parks offer a storage service, and there's usually plenty of other commercial storage businesses in those areas that accept RV's.
I'm in Scotland as Rene says. Our Truck and Trailer are stored in a long garage that we rent in Boulder City. I'm so glad we have indoor storage because of the length of time we have been away.

The doors are checked and oiled every 6 months and the manager of the facility has been doing basic checks for us.

Luckily we winterise, disconnect batteries, add fuel stabiliser etc. before we come home. I am getting a bit twitchy now about what we will find when we eventually get back. But we just need to hope for the best. It's been 1.5 years now 😥.

I know of other international travellers that use various storage facilities. There are lots of options available but as a minimum you should have a place with good security and cameras to satisfy Insurance requirements. If stored for several months you will get a discount if you notify them.

Normally we fly into Vegas, stay one night in a hotel, then go to get Truck. We connect battery then take it for a drive to ensure it is working safely. Because of the storage space we get a local boat repairer to use his forklift to move the trailer out, we hook up and go to an RV Park. We stay for a week or two to get set up, clean TT, get any servicing or repairs done, then head out for 6 months.

We stay in RV park for at least 2 weeks at the end of trip to give us time to pack, clean, sanitise etc. We get trailer and truck back into the storage facility and get a taxi to the airport.

Works very well for us.
That is too cool. Thanks for the reply!
A good friend on mine lives in Vancouver BC and stores her trailer in Washington state over the winter because its cheaper. Covid hit- now its been over a year and she cant get to her trailer.
A good friend on mine lives in Vancouver BC and stores her trailer in Washington state over the winter because its cheaper. Covid hit- now its been over a year and she cant get to her trailer.
When we were in Georgia and Florida over the winter, we saw a lot of RV's still stored at the various storage lots that are usually nearly empty that time of year. A lot of them had Canadian licenses...

When we were in Georgia and Florida over the winter, we saw a lot of RV's still stored at the various storage lots that are usually nearly empty that time of year. A lot of them had Canadian licenses...
I’m afraid that once they do get to come south, they’re liable to find some very serious issues with their rv’s with mold and water leaks.
Bear in mind that Covid is a very unusual circumstance so under situation normal all would be well.

I've always thought if gas prices get way high (and looks like they are going that way) leaving your RV in storage might be a good way to save a chunk of change rather than drive it back and forth at the added cost.
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