Storms, Winds, and a Damaged RV

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Clark Griswold

Well-known member
Jul 22, 2009
Chattanooga, TN
We're just now getting around to posting our mishap and don't know how much detail to go into.  Let me just say this, the combination of the remnants of LEE moving into the Southeast left use with a very interesting day and night and also with an RV with an unknown future.  Check out our blog if you'd like to know the rest of the story (as Paul Harvey use to say).  :eek:


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Awwww!  That's too bad Clark.  I hope it can be fixed.

Bummer! I've been complaining about being assaulted by Irene & Lee without a break and growing webbed feet, but that is nothing compared to your story. Hope that insurance takes good care of you.
WOW ... read your blog, and  you are to be commended on your attitude.
Good luck with the insurance co.
Howard and Jo
I'm so sorry to hear of your misfortune.  I do hope the insurance company does it's part to make this as painless as possible.

Sending good vibes your way...

Foxysdad said:
WOW ... read your blog, and  you are to be commended on your attitude.
Good luck with the insurance co.
Howard and Jo

I'll keep ya'll posted on how the insurance handles the claim.  ;)
By the way, until today we had been told by Progressive (RV coverage) that they would not cover tree removal, that would be on USAA (Homeowners).  Additionally, Progressive would not access the damage until the tree was removed.  So, we contacted USAA and they wanted an TWO estimates - one for removal of tree from RV and one for removal of tree back to property line.  It appears that the neighbors issurance is only responsible for removal of what is on there property and we are responsible for what is on our property.

Anyway, after a call from USAA to Progressive they (Progressive) has agreed to pay for tree removal from the RV....but not the removal from our property.  At least this gets the REAL process started of getting accessment of the RV!  :eek:
So the question is... do you need firewood ??
Who cuts the tree at the property line ???  splitting trees  instead of hairs eh !

Are you going to Catalina for the new years rally  ?? we could use some there I'll bet
Foxysdad said:
So the question is... do you need firewood ??
Who cuts the tree at the property line ???  splitting trees  instead of hairs eh !

Are you going to Catalina for the new years rally  ?? we could use some there I'll bet

Trust me, we'd be glad for anyone to have the firewood but I think the tree service has beat you to it.  8)  I'll agree with you on the idiotcy of having two companies cut the same tree....but that's the world of insurance - like it or not.  :-\
Been a few days.  Hope good news has come your way.

I hate dealing with insurance companies that battle over who covers what. 

I have specific names for them.  But I would have to PM them to you.  Get my drift?
I'll be interested in knowing the outcome.  I too have USAA for homeowner's and Progressive for my m/h.  I hope your homeowner's claim with USAA goes better than my last (and only) one did.
Was down for the Bristol race in August, freaky wind shear came running through at 0100 in the morning.... broke our new electric awning on the SRX!  Geico showed up a few days later in the camping area, plenty of others had similar...  One TT had the awning all the way over, moved the TT right off it's blocks about 5'.  As usual... learned the hard way to simply push the button and retract the darn awning prior to sleep'in.....  Major pain in the butt to get this fixed, have to go up to the dealer, get estimate, drive back home and wait for the parts arrival, drive back up to the dealer.... (hour drive) drop off for repair... return for pickup....  Only good thing was it gave us an excuse to get one of those "first up" shelters... our old shelter was wrecked in the same storm!  Such is the RV experience for 2011, more good then bad all n' all.
jje1960 said:
Was down for the Bristol race in August, freaky wind shear came running through at 0100 in the morning.... broke our new electric awning on the SRX!  Geico showed up a few days later in the camping area, plenty of others had similar... 

  A simple question: Whatever happened to the "Acts of God" proviso in Insurance policies.  If awnings were left up during bad weather--a human error-- why would they pay?

  No wonder insurance fees are high.  Just wondering... What say.

Carson FL
carson said:
  A simple question: Whatever happened to the "Acts of God" proviso in Insurance policies.  If awnings were left up during bad weather--a human error-- why would they pay?

  No wonder insurance fees are high.  Just wondering... What say.

Carson FL
For us, the Geico guy was very clear, this is under the act of god thing... however, I have a $500.00 deductible, so no matter the bill, $500.00 bill is coming.  I'm sure the bill will be over that though, so having the insurance helps.
Things aren't moving really quick as of the last few days.  The tree IS off the RV but we haven't recieved the bill so we can submit it to the insurance company for reimbursement.

In the meantime, we got a letter in the mail today from Progressive asking use to sign an odometer statement, any keys to the RV, and the title.  :eek:  Odd thing about this is that we're waiting for the adjuster to view the RV (hopefully next week).  The DW called Progressive and the since the Rep is on vacation the one filling in for her 'guessed' that she was just trying to get ahead before vacation.  Of course he also made mention that it was a big tree based on the photos and RVs do get totalled. Hmmmmmm.........  ::)
carson said:
  A simple question: Whatever happened to the "Acts of God" proviso in Insurance policies.  If awnings were left up during bad weather--a human error-- why would they pay?

  No wonder insurance fees are high.  Just wondering... What say.

Carson FL
Read this post again, not sure how to accurately respond...

"If awnings were left up during bad weather--a human error-- why would they pay?"

Awning was not left up during bad weather... actually, it was quite nice that evening prior to retiring.

Your comment concerning no wonder insurance rate are so high.... I guess some sit on the sites and exactly know what is, or what is not going to happen within the following 12hr period, kudos, you help keep the insurance rates down.  For the rest of us, stuff happens.  Again, this very strange "freak" wind shear only effected a certain amount of trailers within a defined path, others un-effected close by.
If I plow my car into the back of someone else's car, and it's my fault, my insurance company is going to pay - even though it's my fault.  That is what insurance is for.  I did not intentionally do it, but they pay anyway.
Without going into all the details, we settled with Progressive Insurance last Friday.  After 3+ weeks of extended periods of no progress with 'Progessive Insurance' we're finally moving on with what was inevitable - our RV was totalled.  You can follow our saga closer on our blog .....leave a comment if ya like!  All that is left to do at this point is have the RV towed from the driveway and to give feedback to USAA (Progressive handles RV insurance for USAA).  I'll certainly take the opportunity to give feedback to USAA simply b/c I think that a company as good as USAA has been for us, it needs the feedback concerning Progressive.  Enough said on that one!
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