stove / cooktop replacement

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Nov 3, 2013
Staten Island NY
Hi all, newbie here I just purchased a 1987 Homesteader park model and will be doing a total re-no. There is some water damage from a leaking shower as well as a roof leak. Finding this I decided to just gut the place seal it nice and update the look. 
Now on to my question - I currently have a full cooking range cook top with oven that is run by propane. I don't see getting much use out of the oven part and was going to just get a cook top. Then I realized why can't I just put the top part of a outdoor grill in there. I ll modify the cabinets to make it drop in and I was thinking about keeping the cover off installing a range top with a fan to outside. To me it seems the same as using a cooktop both fires a fed by propane. One difference would be for the grease trap which I would make accommodations for. Any advice or comments suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  I look forward to posting pics and comments to the forum once demo begins.
Several ideas came tp mind....

1 -the insurance issue w/using a "grill" designed for out door use..
2 - on a stove there is a more concentrated heat to a retaliative small area..thus less excess propane consumption [just my idea I have absolutely]
3 -and appearance and functionality too.
4 - you'd a large exhaust fan if you grilled on the grill [sorry had to say that..]

Keep us advised and good luck..

insulation around the cook top, clearances to combustibles, and a higher BTU output, and gas appliance certification.....back when I had a J O B we would often catch homeowners building gas grills into cook tops for outdoor kitchens. Most of the time they would not meet safety or building codes and had to make a redo or removal. 

There was an instance where a fire was blamed on the close proximity to combustibles, it was done without inspections therefore we had no control over the build. I hate to say it but certifications for appliances really do take into consideration the possibility of fire and insurance companies know to look for these things.

I'm not saying it shouldn't be done but take those things in mind when you build this, would hate to read that you were a casualty.  Insulation, a heat barrier (stainless looks nice) and a big exhaust fan. I 'm sure you have had some flare-ups on a gas grill so remember how that works and light it up easy until you're sure....

lots of luck with it.....later Will

forgot to mention...the bottom was where alot of the problems came gets hot underneath when they are built in and things stored under there also get that can of pam, oven get what I mean. insulate the bottom also.
Why not just get a RV cooktop and drop it in? For around $100 you can get one that is the same as your full range and slides right in the same slot. Then build a cabinet underneath where the oven portion was.  We did that on ours because we didn't need the oven (we also have a nice convection oven/micro) and did need more galley storage space.

Catblaster gave excellent reasons for not dropping in a standard outdoor grill and he is right on. Not a good idea.
Here's an idea... a big money saver too!

Keep the existing stove and oven, it works and they are expensive.

Use the oven to store the pots and pans in a nesting fashion. Use the thin rubber shelf liner to place between pots if they are noisy.

I have my pots and pans inside the oven. I bought everything separate to end up with my own customized nesting solution that includes these 5 items on the middle shelf:
Big Wok
medium sized stainless steel pot (for rice and boiling etc.)
plastic colander
smaller glass pot with handle for stove top or microwave cooking
jumbo strainer for washing or draining small fruits or veggies
Those 5 nest nicely together
On the bottom of the oven under the broiler is 4 items
pizza pan (doubles as lid for big wok or big fry pan)
large fry pan
small fry pan
lid for stainless steel rice pot and it fits small fry pan too

On a cold day in winter in Florida, it is fun to fire up the oven and make something. In that case I make it on the pizza pan or buy a foil pan to make lasagna or a casserole. Which in my cabinet under my plates, I do have a Corelle pie plate. It works for baking in the oven or microwave or as a serving tray or platter.

Just keep the existing stove and use the oven for needed storage.
NEVER use an outdoor gas/propane appliance inside. A quick look at the manner the gas is fed to the burners on an outside grill should convince you why it is a very bad idea..... BOOOM!!! under the right conditions......
Thanks for all your replies - i ll try to shed a little light on my reasoning - I'm 99.99 % sure the oven will not be used but Miss Mermaid shared a great idea !! I don't see more than 2 burners used at once and was looking at drop ins then remembered when i worked at a bar they had a gas grill why not see if this could be done. I have seen ranges for home use, big and expensive though, with a grill in the middle. @ Alpha don't want that BOOM! that's why I'm tossing this idea around - really hate that gas stuff but I love the grilled food taste ! I'm one to change directions if it not safe. Thanks again Ray

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