Suburban water heater SW6DE

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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2010
Groveland, Fl
Looking to install a Suburban water heater (SW6DE) in one of our trailers, but have not been able to find a wall switch for both gas an electric. Have searched inet and eBay. Does anyone know the part number for this switch ?
The gas and electric elements use separate switches.  The gas switch is 12 volts with a pilot light in the center - like this one.  The 120 volt electric heating element uses a regular 120 volt wall switch like you'd find in a stick house.

Or you could get this panel that has both gas and electric switches on a single panel.
If the electric heater needs to switch 120VAC, then the Atwood panel won't work.  Atwood uses 12VDC to control both the gas and electric modes.
That's what I've been trying to find. I was hoping to get both switches in a single panel so it looks more professional like the Atwood panel.  I guess suburban doesn't make one.
Could probably use a 12v switch to a relay.
Could probably use a 12v switch to a relay.

That's exactly how the Atwood works in the later models.  Earlier models used a 120VAC switch on the wall, like the Suburban.
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