Suggestion on Motorhome Security

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Feb 23, 2018
I have a class A motorhome that my husband and I have been using to travel the country to visit our various grandchildren (10 kids in 8 states) and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for some extra security? Some of the RV parks we stay in for the night either don't seem very safe or have actually had some type of vandalism. We love being mobile and able to see all the kids and the sights of this great country but we want a little more peace of mind. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Welcome to the forum.

Extra Security?  Maybe a "Beware of Dog" sign.

I think that the smaller the RV park the less likely to have problems.

Some Rest Stops have night time security which might help.

Common sense plays a big part too.  Park in a lighted area.  Point your RV so you can leave in a hurry if you have to.

Make sure you cell phone is charged up - 911 might be you best defense in certain situations. 

Maybe leave a TV on while you sleep (volume down or off is OK) as it creates a look that someone is watching it.
Most crooks want an easy target and don't/won't bother someone they think is home.

Don't loose sleep over it as it's very unlikely that anything will ever happen and if a thief is determined there is little you could
do to stop them anyways.  It's the world we live in.  However it's rare that RV's are targeted so relax and enjoy the trip and Grand kids.
We have lived in thirteen states (traveled to 49) and two foreign countries. We've traveled by car and RV. Stayed in rest stops, Walmart parking lots, behind gas stations, almost anywhere you can think of. We never felt afraid or had any problems. We have been robbed several times in our stick and brick homes.
Hi Susan and welcome to The RV Forum. RedandSilver gives good advice. With only one exception in 34 years, we have only stayed at campgrounds (no Walmarts or truck stops), or at an RV Forum rally on BLM land, and have slept soundly.
I am not sure what you are afraid of. Someone stealing your stuff? Tagging? Breaking in the RV? I can reassure you that direct attacks on RVs are extraordinarily rare. Stealing stuff left outside is, unfortunately, not as rare. We leave nothing outside except maybe a couple of chairs at a campsite. It keeps two legged and four legged creatures from having anything to get (you have no idea of what a mess a raccoon can make if it finds a cooler!). We also lock the bikes on the carrier with two cables. Same thing with the generator if we have it out. I also know that I have insurance for a reason.
In 75 years of camping/RV'ing the only times we've had anything stolen the culprits were little furry guys wearing masks or big furry guys wearing bear skin coats...  ;)
susanjones I apologize for tacking this on to your topic. It seemed to fit.

I have also been thinking about RV security. I was thinking more along the lines of an alarm system. No doubt we could have a car alarm system that includes motion detector & door opening indicators. I would be interested if the home video camera to cell phone surveillance we see advertised for home systems is also available for the RV.
I have been thinking about SimpliSafe for both the RV, and the sticks & bricks.
I don't know how much of a deterrent a system like this would be, or any system for that matter, but at least you will be notified via cell phone on any intrusions.

I like this system over the competition because they were one of the first to offer a no-contract type of service. You can buy/rent their reporting services as you need without any term contract.

Link to SimpliSafe's website.

Good luck in your search, and let us know if you do pick out a system, your feedback would be helpful to others in the same position.

Hi all,

I was going to suggest the Simply Safe system also but Corky beat me to the punch. I'd buy a simple system to cover the door along with a couple of motion detectors. You could buy a camera or two so you would have images. Good luck!
If you have concerns about your safety, my basic advice is to reconsidered the your choices of RV parks. As others have said, safety problems are RV parks are rare, at least outside of major metro areas.  Perhaps if you could be more specific about the concerns you have, we could offer more specific advice.

Petty theft can be a minor problem in parks that are in or adjacent to cities, where others may wander into the park, bent on mischief. We don't leave much stuff outside if we have to stay in places like that (we usually look for more rural parks). In 20+ years the only theft losses I can recall are some beverages from a cooler and a couple of our potted plants.  We've stayed in a few places that were rowdy or the denizens (usually long term residents) would get into arguments with each other, but no had any threats to our own safety. We did keep an eye out, though, and moved on quickly. If you aren't comfortable in a park, GET OUT! It's one of the advantages of RVing - you can move easily if you don't like the surroundings.

If I thought I needed an alarm system or perimeter cameras to be able to stay in RV parks, I would quit RVing.
Why is that Memtb.
I have Simply Safe at home and really like it. If one of my doors get accidently opened before shutting off the alarm, we get a phone call within 2 minutes. I have 4 door sensors, smoke detector, moisture sensor in the basement and the motion detector in our living room.
Now in your case if you just buy a couple of the stickers placed on the doors, a maybe intruder may think twice about breaking into your rig and would probably move on to another one.
We have a 4 legged alarm system with us.  Although Presley is a "mellow yellow" Lab, when he does bark he sounds like he means business. We carry some pepper spray also. Depending on what type of locks you have on your compartment doors, you may want to change them out. There is one lock that is used extensively in the RV world and the chances of a neighbor having the same key as you, as I understand, is very high. The key number is, I believe CH751. Supposedly it is used on a lot of RV's 'cause it makes it easier for salesmen on the lot to have the right key to open all the compartments when showing an RV.  I don't remember all the particulars but I'm sure someone else will chime in. Fortunately, our locks have a key that is not very popular.
Rene T said:
Why is that Memtb.
I have Simply Safe at home and really like it. If one of my doors get accidently opened before shutting off the alarm, we get a phone call within 2 minutes. I have 4 door sensors, smoke detector, moisture sensor in the basement and the motion detector in our living room.
Now in your case if you just buy a couple of the stickers placed on the doors, a maybe intruder may think twice about breaking into your rig and would probably move on to another one.

  The system may be quality!!! With recent’s a “very” personal thing! I will/can  “not” elaborate beyond that! 
Memtb said:
  The system may be quality!!! With recent a ?very? personal thing! I will/can  ?not? elaborate beyond that! 

So why bother to mention your situation at all if it only applies to your limited circumstances?
NY_Dutch said:
So why bother to mention your situation at all if it only applies to your limited circumstances?

Exactly. You're giving a product a sort of bad name and not elaborating as to why.
Rene T said:
Exactly. You're giving a product a sort of bad name and not elaborating as to why.

  It’s political....they, along with some others have made my immediate “short list” of businesses that we’ll not help finance! I’ve already said more than I should have or intended to....some research of their recent business decisions should answer any and all questions. And also, bring others to “light” as well!

    The original comment was made inappropriately as I am still “steamed” over recent news events! As is often the case.... you can’t “unsay” that which has already been said! Wish I hadn’t gone there!
This is a worthwhile discussion but let's stay on topic here please

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