Suggestions for wintering over

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Well-known member
Mar 11, 2005
wherever we are parked
I asked some questions in two other threads this week about what parks in Arizona would be good deals for a full timer wintering over.  (Maybe Tom can move those pieces of the thread to this one?)

I realized this would be helpful as a separate subject.  Not to just help me, but maybe others who have not yet become snowbirds and are looking for suggestions.

I am interested in Arizona parks (or even New Mexico), but feel free to add other southern states.

For us, we are interested in hearing about Arizona parks with good long term prices (3 months to a year) that also provide activities for olde fartes (quilting, dancing, singing, acting, swimming, exercise, cards and chess, wild parties, quiet campfires, and other things olde fartes do.  :D

We are looking at Mesa, Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma, Apache Junction, etc.

We need clear skies for our two satellite dishes, and a dog friendly place.

Smoky said:
I asked some questions in two other threads this week about what parks in Arizona would be good deals for a full timer wintering over. (Maybe Tom can move those pieces of the thread to this one?)

Be glad to Smoky. Could you point me to the messages in question?

Smoky, look at this one.

Some here on Forum own there and others get short term lease/rentals. I have been there a for  a couple of short stays and its a great place.

Also, in Tucson, we liked very much.

Both of these have lots of great activities and facilities for leisure activities.

Thanks Bob!  I have had several friends recommend that Happy Trails place and will check it out along with the other.

Tom, I will come back here and report as I find them.  Some are at the end of the water filter thread.
Don't stay in one place all winter, the first year. Move every month and test out different areas. I favor Happy Trails and have bought a lot there. Do visit us there.

Great suggestion !!!!!

It may cost us a bit more money this first winter, but indeed it will be worth it to move around each month and see what we like!  Might also prod a CG to give us a better deal.


and folks, please keep the winter CG suggestions coming so we can build a list to check.

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