Suv that has 6500 tow capacity

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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2019
Just wondering if a truck or suv has a lot of tow capacity and the trailer is really like like 1600lbs will this produce swaying of the trailer since it's like maneuvering the trailer like a rag doll? So adding more weight to trailer is advised?
No that's not how it works. The heavier the tow vehicle the better. What you don't want is the trailer moving the tow vehicle around. A large SUV or truck towing a 1600 pound trailer would do just fine
nakamuru said:
Just wondering if a truck or suv has a lot of tow capacity and the trailer is really like like 1600lbs will this produce swaying of the trailer since it's like maneuvering the trailer like a rag doll? So adding more weight to trailer is advised?

Properly loading the trailer is advised, nothing more.

You can have a #1600 # trailer connected to a semi, and if you put all the added weight to the rear of the trailer, it will be all over the place, like a ragdoll  ;).  Keep the tongue weight 10-15%, it will purr behind as it should.
Sway is all about hitch wt.  Less than 10% = sway.  Over 10% = happy camper.  Note this assumes the tow vehicle is not overloaded, but your question indicated that was NOT the question.
Just to restate what everyone else is saying. If the trailer has a gross weight of 1,600 lbs and it has a proper % tongue weight, an SUV with 6200 lb towing capacity should not have any problems towing the trailer.

If you want to post the specifics on the SUV and trailer, the forum experts can give you even more detailed answers and info.

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