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Before i get into this let me just say that i believe everyone has the right to do as they wish with their body.  This is only how i feel and what i think with regards to my own life rules.  So this is not intended to insult or offend anyone.  I will use ink to refer to tattoos.

I would never date anyone with ink, i do not see it as art and i find it trashy.  I dont have any ink but not to say i was not tempted several times in my life either via peer pressure or just to rebel, but i was able to make the right choice for me.  I see ink as being weak at some point in ones life or just trying to fit in with others and it screams "i want attention".  I am not saying that i disrespect those with ink, but i respect those without it more. 

Regardless of the colors used or how well its done, i just dont see the need to hack up ones body with ink of any kind.  Just wondering if anyone feels as negative about ink as i do. 

I think it is stupid and would never have one, but if a person wants one; that is their right.
I could go on a write several paragraphs on my view toward them, but it wouldn't accomplish anything.

jack L
I am covered in scars in strange places.

At one point I was seriously considering a stylish tattoo to hide one or more scars.

Well, I never got around to it.

Recently upon meeting someone exciting who wanted to take our relationship to  a higher level, I explained about my scars because I didn't want him to freak out when he saw them. Also, if this kind of thing was unacceptable to him, I wanted to save us both the embarrassment and humiliation.

His response was "I am just so glad you don't have any tacky trashy tattoos!"

I am not a fond of tattoos. Once in a while I meet someone with something very stylish, but it's extremely rare.

I don't much care for the tattoos either; they're kind of jarring, although one or two small, discreet ones are not too bad, since they're not in sight most of the time. Back in the day, I'd see sailors and marines with one on the forearm (or maybe both sides), and that wasn't bad, but it's gotten out of hand, IMO.

About as bad are the little jewelry pieces stuck all over the head -- I cringe when I see those, and often have to look somewhere else.

Obviously people have the right to do such things, but I don't have to like it.
Neither my wife or I have tattoos. We think they are a waste of money. Our kids have tattoos. I wish that money would have been invested instead of used to mark up their skin. Many tattoos I see are like vanity plates on vehicles, what the hell do they mean.
I always felt that if someone wants a tattoo then it should be discreet especially if they are a professional person like a lawyer, doctor, Pharmacy tech, sales people, EMT's and a ton more. I've always said that if I was in a position to hire someone and was down to 2 candidates, one was loaded with tattoos and the other did not have any visible, I would hire the person without them. I've always felt that if a person doesn't care about what they do to there bodies or how they look, what would their work ethics be like. I could be wrong but that's how I feel.
There was a time when motorcycle gangs were rebellious against the general public and showed it by displaying tattoos all over their bodies. That look still sticks in my mind today.
Visible ink informs me immediately about your values, not a word needs to be spoken.
I have a fairly small military affiliation tattoo on one forearm that I had done in Vietnam in the early 60's. I don't regret getting it, but I've never considered adding any more "ink". My wife has one very tiny tattoo, but it's a marker for a medical implant that was used in treating her cancer. I have no idea what those tattoos could possibly have to do with our values...
lynnmor said:
Visible ink informs me immediately about your values, not a word needs to be spoken.
Visible ink informs me only that a person has visible ink. They may have had it put there to cover scars, to memorialize a loved one, or just because they like it. So what? There definitely are a few occupations that don?t allow visible ink, but they are becoming fewer and fewer. If you want to hire young, college educated professionals in a hot job market, you better go along with ink. Half the  young engineers I worked with were inked, some more obvious than others.

Oh, and I don?t have any. I am a wuss about needles!
I work with a couple of guys that have to wear long sleeves year-round, to cover their ink. On particularly hot days they regret their decisions.
Oh my!!!!!!  From a medical standpoint you still need to be careful of the cleanliness of the business you work with----bad bugs still out there and communicable!!!!!!  Also young women should be cautioned --do not put them anywhere that you may have stretched skin in the future. Such as pregnancy!!!!!!!  Such a diverse world we live in.  Never for me --I used needles in my work and do not like them personally !!!!!!
I'm not a fan of tattoos and I don't have or want any. My wife does have 2. She got both years before we got married. They can be covered but usually are visible. She has mentioned getting another as a memorial to 2 children that have passed. I didn't say could I?.. But I did remind her with all her health issues It might not be a good idea.

What I don't understand is why people get ink that covers parts of the neck and face...That just screams LOOK AT ME.

I have had people work for me with and without ink. I would not prejudge someone due to Ink. If I did I wouldn't have my wonderful wife of 12 years.

As a side note...We currently have an escaped prisoner....listed in the report as distinguishing marks...Tattoo on forehead ...666. Yeah he should just blend right in.....
    Everyone has their own opinion and it seems that most are either for or against without any middle ground. I personally dont care one way or another, some are nicely done while others look like horrible markings made without consideration as to their appearance.  Its their body and as long as they dont complain about me not having any then I dont complain about theirs. Often times it strikes up a conversation as to what and why a particular tattoo was placed.
  My daughter has a lot of them and she is beautiful...really beautiful, maybe more without them but it has become part of her appearance now, wife has one, but I can hardly remember where or what. My best friend has several and regrets no having them done but he doesnt dwell on it. I would even get one with my organ donors name but doctors do not allow it and besides the ink would not stay since I bleed out so much. They havent told me who she is so I would just have to have a blank line. "Thank You _______ for the gift of life. I also thought of getting a Harley tattoo but they would not pay for their own advertising, likewise corvette. Never considered any girlfriends names as one since the ink lasts longer than they do. Since yo have to live with it forever I find it hard to make that kind of commitment, almost like wearing a t-shirt with a logo or scene on it forever. You can wash it but it never comes of and you cant change it.
Wow tough crowd! Looks the consensus is that they're trashy. I guess if that's the case, count me in! Lol, I tend to judge people more on actions than appearances. Unless I talk to someone, Idk their story and don't know why that have the ink they have. My best friends and my kids know I have tattoos, but most other people don't know. Mine aren't usually visible to the general public. I have 6 small (1") foot prints on my left rib cage "walking" in an arc from my waist to my heart. Each one is a color of the kids birthstones in order from my oldest to my youngest. My daughter wanted one (with sentimental value) for her 18th birthday this past July. I took her and we got one together. Mine is an anklet "charm bracelet" with each of the charms representing the kids. For example, one daughter's name means grace of God, so her charm is a dove. I wasn't sure how I would feel about it being visible in the summer, but I actually love it. I love that I can see it too. My footprints I can see in the mirror but I don't see them looking down because "something" is in the way. (Unless I move something out of the way lol)
I have  never liked tatoos particularly on a woman, they look trashy and scream "Look at ME". I know I am stereotyping but I always assume they run with a rough crowd who are trying to impress each other. However, to each their own, we have the freedom to make those choices.
RVMommaTo6 said:
Wow tough crowd! Looks the consensus is that they're trashy. I guess if that's the case, count me in! Lol, I tend to judge people more on actions than appearances. Unless I talk to someone, Idk their story and don't know why that have the ink they have. My best friends and my kids know I have tattoos, but most other people don't know. Mine aren't usually visible to the general public. I have 6 small (1") foot prints on my left rib cage "walking" in an arc from my waist to my heart. Each one is a color of the kids birthstones in order from my oldest to my youngest. My daughter wanted one (with sentimental value) for her 18th birthday this past July. I took her and we got one together. Mine is an anklet "charm bracelet" with each of the charms representing the kids. For example, one daughter's name means grace of God, so her charm is a dove. I wasn't sure how I would feel about it being visible in the summer, but I actually love it. I love that I can see it too. My footprints I can see in the mirror but I don't see them looking down because "something" is in the way. (Unless I move something out of the way lol)

Tough crowd.  That's putting it mildly.  I don't have any tattoos.  But that's only because I'm not fond of pain, I'm an old geezer and they're permanent.  Back in the day, when I wore 3 piece suits and ran a department at a Fortune 100 company, I also wore diamond studs in my pierced ears.  To add insult to injury, I wore my hair in a pony tail.  Turned a lot of heads and got a fair amount of feedback.  But then again, that was back in the dark ages.  ;) 
I can see if someone had a medical condition like diabetes and didnt want to wear a bracelet to have a tattoo on their wrist instead since diabetes is a lifetime deal.  I can also see if maybe someone has Alzheimer's to have their name tattoo'd on their hand or something.  My feeling is that once one gets above the neck to me thats mostly gang related.


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