Tenkara fishing

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Jan 13, 2005
On our way to the Sierra foothills on Tuesday, I spotted a 'new' fly fishing store alongside I-80 at Citrus Heights, CA., and made a mental note to check it out on the way home. Browsing the store yesterday, I spotted some unusual telescoping fly rods made specifically for Tenkara fishing. Unlike a traditional fly rod, a Tenkara rod has no eyes or provision for attaching a reel. The end of the long (11-15 feet) rod has a loop, to which a fixed length line is attached. The cast is little more than a twitch.

The long rod allows the relatively short line to be kept almost entirely out of the water, except for the tip. This results in a more natural presentation of the fly, and avoids the typical drag of a traditional floating fly line. The closest technique I could think of was that of Czech nymphing, but I was assured it's different.
Tom, it sounds very interesting, however it took me years to master my cast etc. etc. and you know the old saw about the old dog learning new tricks!

Me thinks I have enough invested in my equipment, and needs a new rod like an Eskimo needs more ice!

One NEVER has enough rigs ! This setup would come in handy when fishing smaller streams and perhaps from my kayak. Thanks Tom
It's so small and light that it's easy to take anywhere.

amazon has a good deal on them.
My bf is a HUGE fan of Tenkara.  He's gotten me started on it, and once the deal is sealed on the RV, I plan to do a lot more.  Living in central TX, the challenge is finding waters that favor Tenkara rods.  The rivers here are wider and calmer than the mountain streams in bf's former Idaho home.  We still do rod-and-reel fishing (in fact, bf is experimenting with keeping a small worm farm here so he doesn't have to keep buying bait), but I really want to get the hang of Tenkara.
Sounds lie the old bamboo rods my Dad used when I was a kid.  The problem was they didn't break down and were had to travel.  He just tied a 12 to 15 foot line to the end and went fishing.
Sounds lie the old bamboo rods my Dad used when I was a kid

That's just what I was gonna mention, sounds like my old "Lake" bamboo rod.  Also sounds a bit like my "coach whip" I used to train the horses....a stick with a long string on the end.  I got pretty proficient with that, maybe I'd like the Tenkara fishing. (For those reading you don't hit the horses, just make a crack/pop sound to get their attention)

To Tom:  I was thinking of investing in a 7' casting rod for the little streams in Wyoming; maybe the Tenkara would work well.

Tom, I just checked Amazon's website, looks like the rods come in varying lengths; I saw one up to 14'.  Guess you just choose the length you would want/need.

Hey guys and gals! Check my new post today 2/24/14 under TIMMY! and Tenkara. The web sites I shared will give you ALL the info you need and save you LOTS of $$$$ and time!
Missed this first time around.  ast summer one of the guys at YNP showed me his Tenkara rod and it set the hook.  I ecently bought a DragonTail Tenkara.  Looking forward to using it.

To expand on the explanation, very light wweight, mine is 13'6" and weighs only a few ounces, line consists of the Lilian, the small ine permanently attached, aboout 1.5" long, to this you attach the 'furled' line, about 15' long and to this a tippet and the fly.  The tippet I have is a 5 x.  Bout 5' or so of that. 

As to playing the fish, you basically lift the rid, bringing the fish in, net and release it. 

Dragontail has been having a sale, got mine for $64.

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