Texas wannabee

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New member
Sep 30, 2006
Austin, Texas
After thirty years as a two-job homeowning couple, my wife and I are seriously considering the big leap to becoming RV fulltimers, exploring the Texas coast for starters. I've lurked on the forum for a while, but after coming home from an RV show today I feel the need to become more active. Lots to learn, lots to think about. Can two sedentary boomers and a foxterrorist (uh, 'scuse me, meant foxterrier ;)) successfully change lifestyles and location? Can a Class C motorhome be a comfortable coastal home? Looking forward to joining in the forum.
Hi Berkley and welcome. SOunds like you've been bitten by the bug. We have a number of fulltimers here who'll be glad to share their experience.
It's never too late to change lifesyles - as long as you are willing to make the change.  It's no small thing, though. It really is a fundamanal change in your life style.  You will be lving in much less space and be at very close quarters with each other just about all the time. Some folks have a bit of trouble adapting to that.  :-[  And you will also be changing your attitude about possessions. i.e. getting rid of a lot of stuff (downsizing). That can also be a struggle for some.

Certainly you fulltime in a Class C. Whatever works for you is fine.  But may I ask why you have targetted a Class C for your future?  Sometimes people gravitate towards a C simply because the cab area is more familiar, like the family car. That lends an element of familiarity to an otherwise daunting experience, but it 's not a good reason for choosing one RV type over another. Size and floor plan have more to do with livability than RV type.

Fulltimers generally choose a fifth wheel or Class A, because these tend to offer the most room and the most storage, both inside and out. However, the large Class C's, e.g. a Jayco Senaca or Gulfstream EnduraMax, are similar in size and capacity.
As Gary said check out heated storage in any Class C you look at.
Welcome to the RV Forum.  This is the place to get information. Please look around the forum,  join in on any of the on going discussions, start new discussions, or ask questions.  We are looking forward to your participation here.  Thanks for joining us.
Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome and useful advice. We're not committed to any particualr class or model yet, so we'll be considering the pros and cons of all options before we make any final decisions. As the saying goes, "Measure twice - cut once!" :)
And don't forget that the search for the RV is more than half the fun !!


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